Each of us needs to work to see this happen!!

CrackerJacket, I respect your opinion, but disagree with it. You indicated you are a tailgater, which is fine, and I am sure you enjoy it. I am sure you enjoy the comaraderie of the other tailgaters and friends.

There are others with those items as the lowest priority. They may have babysitters waiting on them to get back, business appointments, sick parents that take around-the-clock care, etc, etc, etc,.

To these people getting out five minutes early, when the game is already decided, may make a matter of an hour or two for them to escape the heavy traffic.

There may even be some that just want to leave to beat the traffic and have no real need to get out. Why should those people have to conform to your rules and your priorities?

The Bible says, "do not let the sun go down upon your wrath". It has a great message that is misunderstood by many. It means if you do not fret over the things you cannot control, you will be much happier.

It is well known that the biggest asset to a healthy life is a good immune system. It is also well known that a happy and positive attitude is the main property of a healthy immune system.

It is a number-one priority of good health to be happy and have a positive outlook. Why enjoy a good ball game that has your spirits high, and then let the early departure of other fans have an effect on your feelings?

If you let their departure affect your feelings, you are the loser. They don't even know you are upset with them, and you affect your health by fretting over it.

Not trying to start an argument, just trying to offer some helpful insight on the topic.

OF, what airline do you fly and do you ever leave from or connect through DFW? If so, we may run across each other on the Friday night Atlanta bound "executive shipping tube"!

Go Jackets!
I'll chime in here ... because of my organization and meticulous ways, I have a routine.

*Must be at BDS or any stadium away - 4 hours before game time - sometimes my family thinks it's too early, oh well!

*Tailgate for 3 hours - close down and get into BDS (1) hour before game time.

*Must watch teams practicing on field and get a feel for what the atmosphere will be. Enjoy watching band come in and team coming on field.

*Will stay until game's end. Enjoy this more when we win but have never felt the need to leave early, even when things were pretty bad.

*Go back to tailgate about another hour and head home.

Now, that's my routine. I do not condone those others who do something else - everyone has their reasons. As long as we are in the stadium cheering for the Jackets when it counts!