F tuning?

Word is that the GTAA had them stop playing Chords so that they could experiment with the same shit that every other team plays over the PA when they have a weak ass band.

öööö the GTAA. Playing Chords is part of the GT brand. Playing snipets of random shit is weak.
We must run out of shit to play now because of all the third downs we allow the other teams to convert - only to do the same thing a few plays later. Drive after drive after drive...
Agree... our band is a 12th player on the field. Even at away games you can hear them over other bands. F tuning is as much a part of our gameday experience as the Ramblin Wreck and whistle.
We noticed that they were playing it on 2nd down quite a bit. Seemed off for sure.

I love the 3rd down Band action.
What does the GTAA do that's actually good?

You know it. I know it. We all know it. But it's ok, Stansbury is gonna make GTAA great again.

Believe me.
Why is getting an opponent to 3rd down such a big deal? Why play anything? Hold them on 3rd - then play.
Because f tuning is so dumb and our band isn't loud enough to make it intimidating and instead everyone just does jazz hands.
We played enough F tuning in the first half to last the whole game because we couldn't get off the damn field on 3rd down.
"This one time, on third down, we didn't even play our instruments. It was SO crazy!
And this one time, on fourth down, I shoved a flute up my verginer."
Screw it. Why even have a band? We're screwing everything else up. Why not go ahead and mess up the band too.