F tuning?

I have to agree. Love the Band. Their whole game sound is awesome until...the point I hate them ... third down. Blaah Blaaah Blaaaaah... then opponent First down.
Cut Roof some slack... at least tune in D.
all so that the PA guy can emote an over-the-top "FIRST DOWN" as the do in pro ball

Not like we have traditions or anything.... the whole reason I enjoy college is this. Listening to piped in music and PA guy I'd stay home and not goto a pro game anyways...

My guess is next they will kill the Budweiser song and instead play some top 100 music video to get everyone "pumped"
You can follow the flow of the game simply by listening to the band. Let's go ahead and ruin that.


As for the dumb arguments that the crowd gets more pumped for piped-in music - the crowd will get pumped no matter what is played if it's an important down. I could fart on a snare drum and it wouldn't matter.