Fire Kevin Sumlin?

houston has a bunch of excellent restaurants. other than that, its everything bad about Atlanta x3
I'm not a huge Texas fan either, but don't you live in Dalton or some equally shitty turd hole?

Dalton is a shithole that smells like latex from a carpet mill. Places in Calhoun do also. I actually live out on a pretty piece of land in neither place.
Houston is awful, but Texas has given us red dirt country music and George Strait. They're alright by me.

Their BBQ ain't BBQ though.

I hate country music so meh on that.

South Carolina BBQ is the worst ever. Something is wrong with that state.
houston has a bunch of excellent restaurants. other than that, its everything bad about Atlanta x3

This. The place is öööö ugly. There is nothing pretty about Houston. Traffic is horrible. You sweat and it just sticks to you because it is so humid.