First Post & GTGoldout

Do you support the GT Goldout Movement?

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OP, I don't think you're going to get many Yetmans* on here, but you're also kind of preaching to the choir so don't be turned off by the teasing. I think the majority of posters would love to see a more unified home crowd (be it color, specific cheers, songs, etc.).

*a twatwaffle that refuses to wear the same color as the rest of the home crowd
Twatwaffle!! great term!
I don't like it, nor do I like the whiteouts. Gold-outs or white-outs or black-outs or whatever only work if your entire stadium is full of your own fans, and they are participating. We are not capable of filling the stadium with only our own fans so I just think the whole concept for us is stupid.
OP, I don't think you're going to get many Yetmans* on here, but you're also kind of preaching to the choir so don't be turned off by the teasing. I think the majority of posters would love to see a more unified home crowd (be it color, specific cheers, songs, etc.).

*a twatwaffle that refuses to wear the same color as the rest of the home crowd
Twatwaffle!! great term!
I don't like it, nor do I like the whiteouts. Gold-outs or white-outs or black-outs or whatever only work if your entire stadium is full of your own fans, and they are participating. We are not capable of filling the stadium with only our own fans so I just think the whole concept for us is stupid.
And that my friends is Stingtalk in a nutshell.:inoutrofl:
Hey all,

Thanks for letting me join the community. I'm a current GT student graduating fall 2017 and am a big GT sports fan.

I was wondering what you all thought about GTGoldout movement?

For those who haven't heard about it, you can read more about it here and here.

See, here's the thing. Since you're new and all.

This used to be a topic that created lots of in-depth, intelligent discussion on Stingtalk. But over the last decade and a half, it's been completely beaten to death, so the old fonts around here just rehash the funniest bits of old threads and drink more. So don't feel like they're attacking you specifically. It's just a cultural thing.

Join us. It's better than taking GT sports seriously. You can hurt yourself that way.
See, here's the thing. Since you're new and all.

This used to be a topic that created lots of in-depth, intelligent discussion on Stingtalk. But over the last decade and a half, it's been completely beaten to death, so the old fonts around here just rehash the funniest bits of old threads and drink more. So don't feel like they're attacking you specifically. It's just a cultural thing.

Join us. It's better than taking GT sports seriously. You can hurt yourself that way.
I was specifically attacking him
I don't like it, nor do I like the whiteouts. Gold-outs or white-outs or black-outs or whatever only work if your entire stadium is full of your own fans, and they are participating. We are not capable of filling the stadium with only our own fans so I just think the whole concept for us is stupid.

Well nobody cares about your opinion so...
I always end up having more fun during white outs. Crowd does seem more into it and the past two years we had dramatic comebacks during those games. It doesn't mean it'll translate to a gold out or gold rush or whatever it is y'all are trying to do. And I can guarantee you that with as many people we have who will grumble about this and them being people who are inherently allergic to creating new traditions since they see it as an attack on the old, you won't get far with this. At best it will seem like a gimmick, something the young bloods are trying to do to leave their own mark.
I always end up having more fun during white outs. Crowd does seem more into it and the past two years we had dramatic comebacks during those games. It doesn't mean it'll translate to a gold out or gold rush or whatever it is y'all are trying to do. And I can guarantee you that with as many people we have who will grumble about this and them being people who are inherently allergic to creating new traditions since they see it as an attack on the old, you won't get far with this. At best it will seem like a gimmick, something the young bloods are trying to do to leave their own mark.
Sounds like another twatwaffle to me....
Now you jerkoffs have me craving chicken and waffles.

With hot sauce.
Now you jerkoffs have me craving chicken and waffles.

With hot sauce.

öööö yeah, let's have those for the first tailgate. Except I like mine with syrup. You combine that sweet syrup with the saltiness of the fried chicken. Boy, that's heaven melting in your mouth.
the idea is great...the whole "its been tried before" argument is nonsense, along with the "we have old traditions, so older people wont like new ones" is also invalid. There are ZERO traditions in which more than 50% of the stadium participate.
The Budweiser song is a newer tradition, which few would argue isnt awesome, but it had to start somewhere.
Many people come to our games that are not Tech "fans" per say but are cheering for our boys on the field. Those people are not going to know the words to the fight song, but they can wear a color in solidarity and support for our team.