First Post & GTGoldout

Do you support the GT Goldout Movement?

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Did anybody check to see if Vandy is in on it too since both schools wear gold and could sell more shirts to benefit the kid's cancer research?
It would take a miracle if we actually came out in this color gold for our home jersey. I'm guessing it's impossible to dye a Russell jersey this color.
It would take a miracle if we actually came out in this color gold for our home jersey. I'm guessing it's impossible to dye a Russell jersey this color.
That looks like brown to me, and the official T-shirt for the game looks like beige...
That looks like brown to me, and the official T-shirt for the game looks like beige...
Google image "Pantone old gold," you'll see 20 different shades of gold. Old gold is a darker shade of gold, and when not shown as a metallic, it can appear to be closer to a brown than a metallic gold.
If we're going to be Old Gold, then by God, let's do it. The colors of Old Gold, White, and Dark Navy look brilliant together.
why do you guys wanna wear brown? They said gold out not brown out.
Isn't there a sign in Bobby Dodd stadium that says "next time wear your gold" (or something to that effect)? I try to wear gold (wrong shade or not) to every game (except the whiteout).
Once again we have two pages of GTMom talking about something, something vaginas.

Coit give this lady some attention please, kthxbai.
Isn't there a sign in Bobby Dodd stadium that says "next time wear your gold" (or something to that effect)? I try to wear gold (wrong shade or not) to every game (except the whiteout).
In the North stands there is, I dunno about elsewhere
OP, I don't think you're going to get many Yetmans* on here, but you're also kind of preaching to the choir so don't be turned off by the teasing. I think the majority of posters would love to see a more unified home crowd (be it color, specific cheers, songs, etc.).

*a twatwaffle that refuses to wear the same color as the rest of the home crowd
Twatwaffle!! great term!
And that my friends is Stingtalk in a nutshell.:inoutrofl:
Im gonna need a pic from you.
Once again we have two pages of GTMom talking about something, something waffles.
Why is it when I participate the same way everyone else does in ST you dweebs think I'm wanting attention?
Just like how I like my women.
But when you nerds say something like this, it is normal ST commentary?
Why is it when I participate the same way everyone else does in ST you dweebs think I'm wanting attention?

But when you nerds say something like this, it is normal ST commentary?

Obviously because this is a chauvinistic sexist society and glass ceiling and all that.

Lighten up I was just joking.