First they came for the fight song...

Daughters cheer, sons yell. Nothing to change here. THWG. As a non-engineer the song is far more exclusive of me. I am not offended. I am a supporter of significant change that lessens the effects of any forms of prejudice and injustice. And, I know words matter. But, when we make mountains out of molehills like this we actually demean the plight of persons who really suffer injustice and allow persons who oppose needed change to mock the whole process.
Who wakes up one day and comes up with this öööö?
So moron faculty members want to do this? Why does anyone give two öööös what they think? I'd like to see who is on this board and get an accounting of how many baseball, basketball, and football games they have attended - which is the use of the fight song. I guarantee you none have attended as many as I have and I didn't even attend Tech. Better start worrying about your fans.

Faculty members are nothing but paid workers there to teach courses and do some research. Stay out of GT history and sports.

To be fair, "the faculty" isn't a uniform hive mind (no pun intended). I'm research faculty (GTRI), and I was at GT for undergrad and grad school. You might find somebody that's been to as many football games as me in the last 25 years, but you won't find anybody (that's not on the athletic staff) that's been to more. There are others like me in the faculty, then there are some that came here for grad school or just for their job and adopted Tech as their team. Unfortunately, there are also a lot who have no affinity for Tech traditions and just want to meddle (particularly on the academic side).

I do agree that the fight song is almost exclusively associated with athletics - it's a student and alumni concern, not a faculty concern. Unfortunately (based on reading Technique editorials and stuff like Reddit), the student body is increasingly "woke" and indoctrinated to be "deeply concerned" about "problematic" things like the song. (This is probably a general trend across universities, but I think the influx of non-technical majors that allow time to "effect change" rather than just trying to pass E-Mag is also part of the problem, given that Tech is traditionally not a hotbed of social unrest dating back to at least the Vietnam era.)

It's not clear to me whether the link to the petition is new for this current push, or if it's left over from 5 years ago, the last time this made the rounds. We should keep an eye on it and make sure that there's opportunity for folks who are opposed to the idea to make their voices heard, as well.

I don't understand. This a fight song for athletic events. Are they saying women need to join the football team? Is the faculty's reading (listening) comprehension so bad that they don't understand women already joined in on campus when the parental unit (non-gender specific term there) "put her on campus"?

As I take a deeper dive into the lyrics, maybe the faculty should consider if the daughter even wanted to go to Tech. Maybe she wanted to go to one of those liberal arts colleges and get a degree in critical theory. We all know that didn't happen because the father mansplained that the point of college was to become a productive member of society. She ultimately was put on campus to do something inclusive with the brave and bold.
I guess you guys have covered it but join is moronic on multiple levels. Cheer isn’t a problem in any fashion.

From a woke mindset, it is the next line that is problematic: “like daddy used to do” implies dads are alumni but not moms. (Just to be clear, I hate any idea of changing the song; just can’t believe the GT woke focused on what they did)

But the fight song also is about engineers when much of the student body is not engineers.

It is a fight song, it isn’t meant to be some cohesive message about the whole of GT.
I guess you guys have covered it but join is moronic on multiple levels. Cheer isn’t a problem in any fashion.

From a woke mindset, it is the next line that is problematic: “like daddy used to do” implies dads are alumni but not moms. (Just to be clear, I hate any idea of changing the song; just can’t believe the GT woke focused on what they did)

But the fight song also is about engineers when much of the student body is not engineers.

It is a fight song, it isn’t meant to be some cohesive message about the whole of GT.

“Join” is just a foot in the door. See the second bullet about a broader review of the song...

But the fight song also is about engineers when much of the student body is not engineers.

It is a fight song, it isn’t meant to be some cohesive message about the whole of GT.

Exactly, it’s not the school’s Mission Statement or anything.

Maybe Clemson’s “C-L-E-M-S-O-N” cheer is though. Learning how to spell is important over there.
It's a fight song not a love song. To even mention women in a song about fighting is pretty progressive in my book.
What are you more afraid of, them coming to take your guns or fight song?