First they came for the fight song...

The song doesn't say either the son or the daughter are GT students, so the word "join" is just pinhead dumbassery.

Oh if I had a had a daughter sir, I'd dress her in white and gold.
And put her on the campus, to cheer the brave and bold.
But if I had a son sir, I'd tell you what he'd do
He would yell "TO HELL WITH GEORGIA!"
like his daddy used to do.

At what point are either students? At what point is the daughter not included? You can interpret the song as a dad taking his 6 year old son or daughter to a football game. Hell, I always kind of thought that was the gist of it anyway.
That’s how I viewed it, as well.

I’ve never understood why the faculty care so much. It’s not like they go to sporting events. They’re paid employees who came to Tech because Tech was one of the few schools with an open faculty position when they finished their PhD or during their postdoc. Tech has a very different meaning to them than alumni and current students who select Tech over dozens or hundreds of other school then pay 30 years for that privilege. If they really want to care about something, how about the fact that Tech has fallen in the rankings since 2000.
I’ve never understood why the faculty care so much. It’s not like they go to sporting events. They’re paid employees who came to Tech because Tech was one of the few schools with an open faculty position when they finished their PhD or during their postdoc. Tech has a very different meaning to them than alumni and current students who select Tech over dozens or hundreds of other school then pay 30 years for that privilege. If they really want to care about something, how about the fact that Tech has fallen in the rankings since 2000.

My sense is many academics have a latent disdain for college sports for various reasons, some being as simple as they probably sucked at sports as kids. They see college sports as problematic in general--a exploitative, sexist, corrupting institution that needs remediation.
My sense is many academics have a latent disdain for college sports for various reasons, some being as simple as they probably sucked at sports as kids. They see college sports as problematic in general--a exploitative, sexist, corrupting institution that needs remediation.
Only mandatory athletic fees, which are a form of Socialism
Only mandatory athletic fees, which are a form of Socialism
Socialism? Athletic and similar fees go toward the overall college experience, so different students can have the same baseline college experience. Wouldn't the alternative be some a la carte model where you pay tuition and everything else is a surcharge? You'd end up with different classes of students where some just pay the minimum just to take classes and don't participate in athletics or anything. And others actually have an enriched, full experience where they participate in sports events, etc.
Socialism? Universal Healthcare and similar taxes go toward the overall American experience, so different Americans can have the same baseline healthcare. Wouldn't the alternative be some a la carte model where you pay base taxes and everything else is a surcharge? You'd end up with different classes of Americans where some just pay the minimum just to live and don't get free doctor visits or anything. And others actually have an enriched, full experience where they participate in the healthcare system, etc.

Yes, it's Socialism to tell a student what their "college experience" should be then charge them for that experience against their will.
Stingtalk is an official news source and one of its members is now a corroborating news source. Time to start the next Russiagate
Faculty are employees-they come and go. We’re a line on their resumes. The students, alumni and alumnae are forever. GT belongs to its students, past, present, and future.

We all have more important issues to deal with, but if this one needs closure, students and alum should decide, not faculty or administrators.
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Update from the April 27th GT faculty senate meeting on this topic:

"The Faculty Senate voted to support a proposal to encourage President Cabrera to change one word in Georgia Tech’s fight song from 'cheer' to 'join'. The discussion centered on the fact that this lyric change is but one step, and Georgia Tech needs to do better to increase inclusion of women at Georgia Tech. Expect Georgia Tech to take larger steps toward improving inclusion."

Update from the April 27th GT faculty senate meeting on this topic:

"The Faculty Senate voted to support a proposal to encourage President Cabrera to change one word in Georgia Tech’s fight song from 'cheer' to 'join'. The discussion centered on the fact that this lyric change is but one step, and Georgia Tech needs to do better to increase inclusion of women at Georgia Tech. Expect Georgia Tech to take larger steps toward improving inclusion."

Update from the April 27th GT faculty senate meeting on this topic:

"The Faculty Senate voted to support a proposal to encourage President Cabrera to change one word in Georgia Tech’s fight song from 'cheer' to 'join'. The discussion centered on the fact that this lyric change is but one step, and Georgia Tech needs to do better to increase inclusion of women at Georgia Tech. Expect Georgia Tech to take larger steps toward improving inclusion."

öööö those guys.
Update from the April 27th GT faculty senate meeting on this topic:

"The Faculty Senate voted to support a proposal to encourage President Cabrera to change one word in Georgia Tech’s fight song from 'cheer' to 'join'. The discussion centered on the fact that this lyric change is but one step, and Georgia Tech needs to do better to increase inclusion of women at Georgia Tech. Expect Georgia Tech to take larger steps toward improving inclusion."


I recall that Cabrera was not exactly a favorite of the campus crazies at GMU. He should toss this proposal in the bin without a response.
The simple thing to do with this is to ignore it and continue to promote the things we are obviously already doing right considering the ratio is pretty much a thing of the past.
They are a allowed to enter,graduate,and have our babies;How much more inclusive can we be?

Screw this shit! Bring back drownproofing, and purify the gene pool to eliminate the malcontents!
Update from the April 27th GT faculty senate meeting on this topic:

"The Faculty Senate voted to support a proposal to encourage President Cabrera to change one word in Georgia Tech’s fight song from 'cheer' to 'join'. The discussion centered on the fact that this lyric change is but one step, and Georgia Tech needs to do better to increase inclusion of women at Georgia Tech. Expect Georgia Tech to take larger steps toward improving inclusion."

Why do we have a faculty senate? How lame are these people?