Football Tweets

GT has had several chances in the past 25 years to become the “it” team and garner positive attention. Essentially since O’Leary won 3 IAR. At every turn we have come up short and the attention disappeared as quickly as it came. This win just feels different.

From my chair:

GT has had several chances in the past 25 years to become the “it” team and garner positive attention. Essentially since O’Leary won 3 IAR. At every turn we have come up short and the attention disappeared as quickly as it came. This win just feels different.

From my chair:

Have to beat Georgia State to keep this going
Cool. My understanding is that is saying, "based on the key game statistics, without looking at the score, we would have expected Georgia Tech to win with 97% certainty".

That jibes with the sense that FSU got a bunch of lucky breaks. However what stats did we really dominate them on? The only thing I can think is yards per carry.
One that matters the most..the scoreboard. On Saturday, the 3 point win seemed just as dominant as a 60 point win.
From purely a PR standpoint, that was the most important game for us to win all year. And maybe in the last few years. Literally the first game of the year, in Ireland, with no other major games all weekend, all eyes trained on you. It sure as hell looked like FUN playing for Georgia Tech on Saturday. No juice, weightlifting, money down, etc. needed. Winning like that, as a TEAM, and celebrating afterwards like that as a team in ööööing Ireland was just plain fun. I know money talks, yeah, yeah, yeah, but I have to think that there have to be some high school kids looking at that and saying to themselves that, all other things being equal, they'd like a piece of that.
More on Efford, my friend sent me this one the other day:
