Football Tweets

Tech beat the Noles so bad they had to bring in armed UN personnel

Learned from a local that while Ireland has a very small army, they play a key role in UN peacekeeping forces. They’re the ones that go in first.
From purely a PR standpoint, that was the most important game for us to win all year. And maybe in the last few years. Literally the first game of the year, in Ireland, with no other major games all weekend, all eyes trained on you. It sure as hell looked like FUN playing for Georgia Tech on Saturday. No juice, weightlifting, money down, etc. needed. Winning like that, as a TEAM, and celebrating afterwards like that as a team in ööööing Ireland was just plain fun. I know money talks, yeah, yeah, yeah, but I have to think that there have to be some high school kids looking at that and saying to themselves that, all other things being equal, they'd like a piece of that.
No joke, it went from licking up a few drops of GT content to consume prior to the game to trying to drink from a fire hose. Tech is on everyone’s lips, it’s ööööing incredible.
I guess I'm surprised that all things being equal, 100 more yards rushing => 97% chance of winning. Maybe it's more the fact that they got so few yards rushing on many attempts, or the fact that we had 2x as much rushing yardage.
Success rate is what drove the number up. We double them up on rushing yards mainly due to success, like this:


The comments are hilarious:

Interesting fact. He doesn’t wear any extra padding. That’s all just him.

This is the type of backer who seems offended the ball carrier even has the audacity to exist.
I fuckin love it

kid reminded me of Jon Favreau in The Replacements

There is no way he isn’t bat-shit insane and yet beloved by every one of his coaches and teammates…
I'll wingman the blonde. That little sassy headshake got me.
The comments are hilarious:

Interesting fact. He doesn’t wear any extra padding. That’s all just him.

This is the type of backer who seems offended the ball carrier even has the audacity to exist.
I ööööin love it

kid reminded me of Jon Favreau in The Replacements

There is no way he isn’t bat-öööö insane and yet beloved by every one of his coaches and teammates…
I hope he shouts "AMERICA!" after the snap.
The comments are hilarious:

Interesting fact. He doesn’t wear any extra padding. That’s all just him.

This is the type of backer who seems offended the ball carrier even has the audacity to exist.
I ööööin love it

kid reminded me of Jon Favreau in The Replacements

There is no way he isn’t bat-öööö insane and yet beloved by every one of his coaches and teammates…

Love all the Effords hype, but the Favreau one really got me. Hysterical (and true)