Football Tweets

Luke Manget!

They included Sisson's FG to tie UNC in 1990, by that standard Butker's 52 yd FG to tie UGA should be at the top of the list
I would assume that's because that game ended in a tie, there was no OT then. Since the UGAg game went into OT, Butker's kick was not "end-of-game" scenario. It led to overtime with more scoring afterwards.
He said “I wanna kick”. Then he became the kicker. Really interesting.
A little different than this.

Have not looked it up recently, but something like the following:

Two players wanting to be kicker.

One kicked nice kicks. The other kicked “ducks” that barely crossed the cross bar.

Coach Dodd called each into his office, one at a time to ask them if they should be the kicker.

The player who had the nice kicks, said I will do my best.

The player who kicked “ducks” answered by asking Coach Dodd, how many people will be in the stands watching?

Coach Dodd answered with a large number.

To this the player answered, then I will not miss!

That is how Pepper Rodgers became the place kicker.

Also an interesting life story and insight into Coach Dodd.
Hard to tell how tall she is but I’m guessing 34DD or 32DDD, but I agree on the boob volume.

Historically,coeds were rated by/in hogans,a unit equal to a cubic mouthful. How many hogans would the brunette's DDs convert to? Show your work.