Football Tweets

Stingtalk needs to step their game up.

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madRazor says:

I volunteer to insert a running mechanical motorized device into my butt... we are a Tech school, are we not?
coit says:

We laughed about this butt-daring behavior during the first original Olympics!
Thought it was just a trend, surprised it's still going on.
Akinji07 says:

If we can't all agree on what kinds of things we should be offering to stick into our butts, or maybe for some of you into each other's butts, then maybe we just can't have "sticking things in your butt" threads. Be respectful to each other's butt-sticking please.
ee8384 says:

Most of you FAIL to acknowledge that threatening to insert is weak when you don't follow thru. Better to post the insertion AFTER the loss, not the threat/promise in advance.
The Jacket says:

Before insertion, please draw the object and then explain why it is better than an actual penis drawing.
JJacket says:

Diseqc says:

Next level dare is removal of object already inserted
GT flunkout says:

Will not insert any blue. White and gold only!
Architorture23 says:

We all had this senior design project year by the profs! Talk about getting the Shaft!
vapspwi says:

Did you know this was started by Nebraska fan after the 1990 Citrus Bowl? I'm sure you can guess the object.

ClubSeats says:

Finally, a club I can join!

Stingtalk needs to step their game up


Stingtalk needs to step their game up.

Pretty sure a 5-layer burrito ends up in your ass no matter which end you insert it into. Followed shortly thereafter by liquification because your body has no ööööing idea how to process the contents therein followed immediately by the Jettison Protocol.