Gailey to interview with Dolphins

If he were to leave, wonder what kind of relationship DRad has with Jumbo Fisher?
From the Miami Herald Website

Other names being added to the drama include former Dolphins offensive coordinator and current Georgia Tech coach Chan Gailey, whom the Dolphins contacted Thursday. Gailey, who also coached the Dallas Cowboys, is a friend and believed to be a favorite of Dolphins president Bryan Wiedmeier.
RamblinPeck said:
IF this did happen, and its a big IF, I think JT would get the nod. Its so late in the game and it was a bad year for hiring coaches anyways. Who knows, let the dice roll and we'll see what happens.

If for some reason Gailey leaves, I imagine he takes JT with him. However, I don't think he is going anywhere. He is close to Wayne Huizenga from his earlier days at Miami and is probably just meeting with him as a courtesy. Regardless, you all better pray he isn't or we are going to get jammes. That said, Shula, Red Shoes, and Cooker are available!!
We all better hope that Chan doesn't leave now. GT has a history of not immediately doing well with a new coach. Add that to our current recruiting being tossed up in the air does not bode well.
I also just watched the Cowher press conference and afterward the reporter said that Gailey was likely to get an interview there as well, since he was once a coordinator.
The story has finally hit the AJC however, I am surprised that it took so long for them to catch up w/ the story.
Dolphins after Gailey

Renee Hannans Henry / AJC
Georgia Tech football coach Chan Gailey is a candidate to replace Nick Saban as coach of the Miami Dolphins.
I think it's time for a public statment from D Rad. We need some spin control out there for the sake of our recruits, current players, & staff.

Our in state rivals, amongst others, are going to have a field day w/ this. It also states in another article that Chan is likely to get interview w/ Steelers position as well.
on a much lighter side note...If Gailey did get an NFL job as HC the real question is......Would he use a draft pick on Reggie Ball???

That might be used as a screening question during interviews w/ Dolphins & Steelers...
ramblin_man said:
on a much lighter side note...If Gailey did get an NFL job as HC the real question is......Would he use a draft pick on Reggie Ball???

That might be used as a screening question during interviews w/ Dolphins & Steelers...

ramblin_man said:
on a much lighter side note...If Gailey did get an NFL job as HC the real question is......Would he use a draft pick on Reggie Ball???

That might be used as a screening question during interviews w/ Dolphins & Steelers...

:hugelaugh: ...nice one r_man.
Thanks I chuckled a bit myself when I thought that one up.....However the reality of it is = a bad situation for us right now....makes the HC position look unstable as well as our program's future....that will be the lead in to future conversations by rival coaching/recruiting staff.....TERRIBLE timing...You think Chan is trying to bump up his SALARY?
I don't think CG will get offerred either position. I just hope that the whole situation resolves itself quickly.

If he leaves, Tenuta or someone better will get the job. I think that a lot of coaches would like to work for a AD like D-Rad. I am more concerned about how everything will effect recruiting.
Is JTS finally admitting that Chan did something right (in a backhanded way)? He's actually worried that it might effect recruiting in a negative way if Chan left. Wow, that almost sounds like a positive comment coming from you.
ramblin_man said:
...TERRIBLE timing...You think Chan is trying to bump up his SALARY?

You never know. I would hope that is not the case. It is, however, the name of the game sometimes ...'I may be wanted somewhere else, how about some more sweetener in my tea.'

If Chan's name is on a couple of teams lists then he has every right to look if that's the direction he wants to go in. But, if he really wants to stay at GT then there needs to be a quick meeting of the minds. Salary bump? I don't know. But if Chan wants to do what's best for the program, his program currently, then he needs to say he is not interested.

This has happened so fast, or at least we have become aware of it only in the last few hours, perhaps we'll get a lot more info over the weekend.
GT 65 : "If Chan's name is on a couple of teams lists then he has every right to look if that's the direction he wants to go in. But, if he really wants to stay at GT then there needs to be a quick meeting of the minds. Salary bump? I don't know. But if Chan wants to do what's best for the program, his program currently, then he needs to say he is not interested."
My rebuttle: I understand your thinking however, remember Alabama & Saban situation = equals this mess we're now in the midst of....
Kinda like Saban did "I am not going to be the coach at Alabama?" at least that is what he said & then did the exact opposite......He LOVES SWEET TEA.....couldn't drink it any sweeter....
Look guys if he does go it is not a big deal. The obvious answer is Tenuta. We will have a very short list which would include JT, KW and probably Paul Johnson. There would be alot of focus on bringing someone in who could reunite the fan base. Recruiting is not based on Chan but the assistant coachs. If we hired someone like Paul Johnson you may lost a QB recruit because of his offense that is it.

Chan is very desirable for a team like the Dolphins. He understands the pro game, know their personnel, top management and will get them in the playoffs every year. This does not mean they will make it past the first round but getting in would be big for the Dolphins right now. He would be a transition guy for two to four years and then retire. I would expect a dramatic salary increase over GT probably double.
Chan plays a large role in recruiting..

I know three parents of current players who told me specifically that they came to GT because of him.
Look guys if he does go it is not a big deal.

I hope not, but coaching transitions have not been kind to GT.

OTOH, the new coach would come into the best situation that a new coach ever has at GT.