GAMEDAY in the A

Two people wimped out for tonight - I have 2 extra tickets for section 102 - free to screaming obnoxious GT fans.
Jersey combo.

Color of the threads don't matter. We rollin tonight.
We're going to traumatize a generation of NC State fans tonight regardless of what we're wearing. That does not change the fact that what I need you to do right now is tell me whether you are being serious or not.
white hats, blue shirts, blue pants.

@GT flunkout

At this point I need to stop dying on the hill. We've gone beyond alternate jerseys...wearing solid blue, solid gray, and blue again. The decision has been made that blue is in every way equivalent to white and gold. Everything from the field to the frequency of the uniforms to the branding graphics packages in TV/media to the cheerleaders.

Really ööööty branding strategy. If you can't get the basics right all the flair and juice and cute slogans in the world doesn't mean öööö.

I'll continue to wear white and gold for every game like an idiot. At this point they really should change the fight song though.

So much bigcry. :bigcry:
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Can’t drink at work. Am sad
You have to transfer the elixer to an inconspicuous vessell and just leave it on your desk. Hide in plain site. Just try not to grimace when you take the occasional swig throughout the day.

I'm surprised that you would use your job as an excuse. Get with the program.
At this point I need to stop dying on the hill. The decision has been made that blue is in every way equivalent to white and gold. Everything from the field to the frequency of the uniforms to the branding graphics packages in media to the cheerleaders.

I'll continue to wear white and gold for every game like an idiot. At this point they really should change the fight song though.

So much bigcry. :bigcry:
I am a little further left than you on color and uniform matters and though I do love the g/b/g and g/b/w as alternate/special combos, I don't know that the blue shirts+pants look is ever going to grow on me. I don't hate it, it just doesn't feel like us. At least with something like g/w/b it looks like a quirky take on our traditional home uniforms. It always seemed to me like the white shirts were the given, and we treated the pants like every other school treats jerseys. I always liked that.
You have to transfer the elixer to an inconspicuous vessell and just leave it on your desk. Hide in plain site. Just try not to grimace when you take the occasional swig throughout the day.

I'm surprised that you would use your job as an excuse. Get with the program.
I teach kids lol wouldn’t want to become a cliche now would I.