

Holder of all Moon records
Dec 30, 2008
A great call by our radio guy... He ain't no Wes Durham yet but he's got it going. AND HE SCORES.....AND HE SCORES...... Fantastic job by the young man.
he isn't wes durham he is better IMO. Announces more of a fan/homer...and I like it. Wes was very professional, and a nice guy too i am sure, but his broadcasts were just this side of too neutral for me for a NCAA school announcer. But that helped wes do what he really wanted which was TV

So it works all around. Gaudin's calls the last two years have been better than I can remember in any one stretch...
he isn't wes durham he is better IMO. Announces more of a fan/homer...and I like it. Wes was very professional, and a nice guy too i am sure, but his broadcasts were just this side of too neutral for me for a NCAA school announcer. But that helped wes do what he really wanted which was TV

So it works all around. Gaudin's calls the last two years have been better than I can remember in any one stretch...
he isn't wes durham he is better IMO. Announces more of a fan/homer...and I like it. Wes was very professional, and a nice guy too i am sure, but his broadcasts were just this side of too neutral for me for a NCAA school announcer. But that helped wes do what he really wanted which was TV

So it works all around. Gaudin's calls the last two years have been better than I can remember in any one stretch...

This. As good as Wes was I would find myself questioning his fanship after listening to a few plays. Confirmed with him quitting for TV. Not blaming him, would do the same thing, but one must think he would have stayed if he loved Georgia Tech like most think he did. Gaudin has already melted Georgia Tech athletics into his brain and you can tell he is just as much a part of the team as a player. I can feel his emotions on big plays and he certainly captures the moment just as I do sitting in my car or house or wherever I am listening to him. Roddy the previous two seasons and Sean this season are also both extremely talented on the air. Sean a little better voice IMHO and his excitement on the call was just as awesome. Bottom line, Gaudin is without a doubt the best radio guy we could have gotten and Wes Durham will always be a legend. Gaudin is just more emotionally connected I believe, and it leads to better calls.

Do not misconstrue my post, Durham is great, great Tech guy, Great guy in general. Gaudin is just a way way way better fit and the moved worked out for everybody!
This. As good as Wes was I would find myself questioning his fanship after listening to a few plays. Confirmed with him quitting for TV. Not blaming him, would do the same thing, but one must think he would have stayed if he loved Georgia Tech like most think he did. Gaudin has already melted Georgia Tech athletics into his brain and you can tell he is just as much a part of the team as a player. I can feel his emotions on big plays and he certainly captures the moment just as I do sitting in my car or house or wherever I am listening to him. Roddy the previous two seasons and Sean this season are also both extremely talented on the air. Sean a little better voice IMHO and his excitement on the call was just as awesome. Bottom line, Gaudin is without a doubt the best radio guy we could have gotten and Wes Durham will always be a legend. Gaudin is just more emotionally connected I believe, and it leads to better calls.

Do not misconstrue my post, Durham is great, great Tech guy, Great guy in general. Gaudin is just a way way way better fit and the moved worked out for everybody!

Congratulations, that's an absolutely perfect characterization ... :biggthumpup:
Gaudin could remain here the rest of his career. Can you say that about a TV job? Wes had job security at Tech and a decent paycheck. Now, Gaudin, I suppose, gets payed fairly well and will get his bump to stay at GT. It is his job to retirement if he wants. Wes apparently wanted to call a different crappy game every week and climb the ladder. If I had my choice, I would want to be GT's next Ciraldo than someone calling the Wake/BC game or something like that.
Wes' style only became less homer-ish later in his career with us, but even then there was never any doubting the authenticity of his joy when we did well or his anguish when we failed.

Go back and listen to calls like Rogers' punt return TD against Virginia in 1998, Chambers' kick against Georgia the same year, Manget in 1999, all the way up through Clemson in 2004, Nesbitt's run against VPI in 2009, the list goes on. I've never understood the idea some people have that Wes needed to be more of a homer. I'm very glad he didn't behave like Georgia's radio guys who sound like pouting children when the other team scores/wins.
Scott Howard sounds like he is straining for a turd anytime uga has a big play. Hondo and Dowdle are high level retarts. I'll take our team any day.
I would have loved to have heard Al Ciraldo call this play---just musing!
One thing I don't understand is radio guys seem better in general than TV guys. I was listening to the Westwood One broadcast of some PAC-10 game the other night and it was also better than most any TV broadcast. I guess TV producers put more emphasis on looks, name recognition or color guys to supposedly keep people from switching channels.
I gusss the "crappy game" this week is Georgia Tech at Virginia on Saturday. See you guys at 3 p.m.

Thanks for your continued interest and suppport...

I gusss the "crappy game" this week is Georgia Tech at Virginia on Saturday. See you guys at 3 p.m.

Thanks for your continued interest and suppport...

In all honesty, that is a pretty crappy game. It'll be nice to hear a familiar voice calling it though.