Go for 2

I purposefully sent out a message to a buddy that said it was the right call before we tried it, just so I didn't second guess myself later.

Like others have said, we had been running at least 3 to 4 yards a carry every play. I felt confident that's what we needed to do.

I think I read somewhere we only had 2 or 3 negative plays all game? That's nuts.
I liked going for 2. It was clear our D was not going to get #4 on the ground for 2 consecutive plays at that point. We were in danger of having the next PAT blocked at any time. Or kicked into the centers back.

Play call may have been OK but execution was not there.

Taquon is gonna have to be careful about keeping it too much/too long. If he runs the ball 44 times/game much more he will be gone after a few more games. But its a good problem to have. He definitely exceeded all expectations in that performance.
What I see:

The RT and pulling LG both missed blocks on the play. It's classic flexbone counter option, a CPJ staple. The RT should have taken out the Mike, with the LG coming across to pick up the DE. Pitch key is the playside LB. The RT and LG both whiffed on their assignments.

CPJ was correct. If both of those blocks are there, EITHER Taquon OR Benson gets in the endzone. The pitch key was so far away from the point of attack that he wasn't going to stop either of them, but he was flowing to the pitch side of the LG's kick-out block when TaQuon made the read.

That means that TaQuon's read was correct, but there were two players there to stone him who shouldn't have been, the MLB and DE. By the time he threw the ill-fated desperation pitch out to Benson, the farside LB was in on the play, too, even though the playside LB had crashed down on his keep.

It feels bad to fail on that play after running it effectively up and down the field all night, but it happened. Learn and move on.
I should correct myself and point out that the pulling LG was actually engaging the DE on a wall-off block, not a kick-out. That means that TaQuon really should have stretched the read key out a bit wider instead of cutting upfield. Maybe experience plays a role there.

The kick-out block is how the counter is run from I-form and smashspread. We run it walled off with an option key.