Gold Update

All you have to do is look at 2006. Jesus it isn't that difficult. those were easily the nicest uniforms we ever wore

2006 was of course a throwback to this era...

Can't we just get some color photographs of the men wearing their yellow jackets to football games back at the turn of the 20th Century? After all, that's where the name came from.
even after they pick the right shade, it'll be tough getting all the colours right for a gold out. I think we should stick to the white out, can't confuse that color
This too. AA has been minimizing and deemphasizing the use of Buzz intentionally for the past few years and pushing the interlocking GT as our unifying brand.

Buzz the mascot will not go anywhere. Buzz the logo will disappear completely or only appear alone. I don’t think you’ll see much of the GT with Buzz over it anymore. It’ll be one or the other and usually the GT.
I like that both teams wore colored jerseys.

That was more common back then.

After Carson put us in Gold shirts (1968 I think), I don't recall us wearing White shirts and Gold britches again until Fulcher came back.

I always liked the White numbers instead of the black. The Gold and black on the same shirt looks very "blah" to me.
Not sure what you mean?

The guy that stands on the field underneath the north goal post where Buzz typically hangs at. Vs. PITT he was pants/suspenders and UNC shorts and suspenders (I think). I know I've seen same at UGA and a couple others. I assume we are following a trend?
Sorry, no link. It was a catalog for bookstore apparel that was mailed out around 10 years ago. We got a copy at my office and noticed the error.
I don't care which shade they pick, I just want them to build a consistently colored uniform from helmet to pants. We will need more than one Pantone color to achieve this look, because material makes a difference. Example- my employer uses a certain pantone color for glossy material, and a different pantone for drab or matte material.
Buzz the mascot will not go anywhere. Buzz the logo will disappear completely or only appear alone. I don’t think you’ll see much of the GT with Buzz over it anymore. It’ll be one or the other and usually the GT.

I think our alternate logo should actually be the Ramblin Wreck. IMHO, it's the coolest and most unique aspect of our entire brand.

Obligatory two shades of gold for reference...


Not saying we want this on a helmet (That should always be the interlocking GT logo), but I like this a lot for shirts, signs, graphics, non-midfield paint on the field, etc.
If I were Stansbury I'd put final few choices out for public feedback before making a decision.