CBK Record: 18-16 Bowls 1-1 COFH 0-3 B+
Compared to HC first two years:
Geoff Collins - A, CPJ - F, CGC - A, CGO - A, Bill Lewis - A, CBR -A, CBC -A
Geoff Collins: 6-16 // COFH 0-2
Paul Johnson: 20-7 ( ACC Title) // Bowls 0-2 // COFH 1-1
Chan Gailey: 13-12 // Bowls 1-1 // COFH 0-2
George Oleary: 11-14 // COFH 0-3
Bill Lewis: 11-12 // COFH 11-12
Bobby Ross: 5-17 // COFH 0-2
Bill Curry: 2-19-1 //COFH 0-2
The Composite says B+, he has been the second most successful Coach on the Flats (1980 -fwd) in terms of most wins at this point in their coaching career at Tech.
Wins by Coaches ( since 1980)
CPJ- 20
CGO /CBL- 11
CBR- 5