GT Picked A Bad Time To Start Losing And …

I have given two examples of the state (either the BOR or the legislature) doing what he says has not been done. Can you not read? I'll give you yet another example, although not current. On several occasions as recently as the 60s, the state refused to allow Tech to minimize or delete the calculus requirement in certain majors, like Industrial Management.
You are just saying things you heard someone say once. You are not providing anything to actually support your claim. You are contradicting yourself though.

I can't off the cuff give you any examples of recent denials of extra majors at Tech

I have given two examples of the state (either the BOR or the legislature) doing what he says has not been done. Can you not read?
Can you not talk? I will give you five bucks.

I do not doubt that there have been, or continue to be, instances where we get the shaft because we are Tech and not Georgia. But I think blaming our problems on a conspiracy that has been ongoing for 70+ years is just another way of pretending our problems are unique and that the forces of evil are causing us to suck, rather than our inability or unwillingness as a program to make not-sucking a priority.
There are several books in which these things are listed, "Dress Her in White and Gold" and "Clean Ole Fashioned Hate", to name two of several. Newspaper accounts document the School of Commerce debacle and the new engineering majors at Georgia farce. YOU are the one who is pretending, not I. Get your head out of wherever it is and educate yourself. And while you are at it, send me the five bucks.
You are just saying things you heard someone say once. You are not providing anything to actually support your claim. You are contradicting yourself though.

Can you not talk? I will give you five bucks.

I do not doubt that there have been, or continue to be, instances where we get the shaft because we are Tech and not Georgia. But I think blaming our problems on a conspiracy that has been ongoing for 70+ years is just another way of pretending our problems are unique and that the forces of evil are causing us to suck, rather than our inability or unwillingness as a program to make not-sucking a priority.
" ... on July 1, 1934, the Georgia Board of Regents transferred control of the relatively large Evening School of Commerce to the University of Georgia and moved the small civil engineering program at UGA to Tech. The move was controversial, and both students and faculty protested against it, fearing that the Board of Regents would remove other programs from Georgia Tech and reduce it to an engineering department of the University of Georgia. (Tech President) Brittain suggested that the lack of Georgia Tech alumni on the Board of Regents contributed to their decision. Despite the pressure, the Board of Regents held its ground. ... had a significant impact on the athletic program, as most athletes were in the commerce school, and resulted in the elimination of athletic scholarships, which were replaced by a loan program."
You are just saying things you heard someone say once. You are not providing anything to actually support your claim. You are contradicting yourself though.

Can you not talk? I will give you five bucks.

I do not doubt that there have been, or continue to be, instances where we get the shaft because we are Tech and not Georgia. But I think blaming our problems on a conspiracy that has been ongoing for 70+ years is just another way of pretending our problems are unique and that the forces of evil are causing us to suck, rather than our inability or unwillingness as a program to make not-sucking a priority.
From the University website --- Although engineering has been taught at UGA since at least 1868, the College of Engineering was re-established in 2012 when the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia approved the merger of UGA’s Faculty of Engineering with the department of biological and agricultural engineering. The University of Georgia College of Engineering reached a milestone this month (Sept, 2018). The college received initial accreditation of its Bachelor of Science programs in electrical and electronics engineering and in mechanical engineering.

Looks like the late Tech president Brittain's predictions are finally and slowly coming true.
I can't off the cuff give you any examples of recent denials of extra majors at Tech, but it is well know, that AGAINST THE OBJECTIONS OF TECH. the BOR added a new engineering program in Athens within the last 10 years. As far as "earlier versions of the BOR", those duties used to be met directly by the Georgia legislature, and they have never been Tech-friendly. You are either lacking in knowledge or very naive.
You flat out contradicted yourself in this response short on facts or substance. What happened in 1930 or even a later statement from the 60’s have any relevance to 2022 in what way? If you try and spin this as a way to hold down GT against UGA on the football field in 2022, then you’re living in your own world. The GA BOR as it currently sits has more GT grads over UGA. The BOR I’ll go out on a limb and say can care less about sports. The level playing field between the schools passed GT by in the 90’s when the state population began to grow and UGA started going all in on alum contributions. GT always won with less until now.

UGA adding a true engineering program in 2012 has impacted GT as far as recruiting in any sport in what way? Minimal at best.

The reality you won’t accept is the school itself remains it’s own worst enemy as far as succeeding in sports and growing the dwindling sidewalk fan base.
You flat out contradicted yourself in this response short on facts or substance. What happened in 1930 or even a later statement from the 60’s have any relevance to 2022 in what way? If you try and spin this as a way to hold down GT against UGA on the football field in 2022, then you’re living in your own world. The GA BOR as it currently sits has more GT grads over UGA. The BOR I’ll go out on a limb and say can care less about sports. The level playing field between the schools passed GT by in the 90’s when the state population began to grow and UGA started going all in on alum contributions. GT always won with less until now.

UGA adding a true engineering program in 2012 has impacted GT as far as recruiting in any sport in what way? Minimal at best.

The reality you won’t accept is the school itself remains it’s own worst enemy as far as succeeding in sports and growing the dwindling sidewalk fan base.
Yes, the school is its own worst enemy; there is no doubt about that in the least, but it hasn't always been that way. Tech AD's and presidents used to fight for Tech and had the common sense to know that when athletics succeeded, the whole school was better off for it. Nowadays, neither recent AD's (with the possible exception of DRad, and even he was somewhat suspect) and Tech presidents haven't and still don't done a thing to show that they really give a damn about athletics at Tech. If you think that just because we have a few more Tech grads on the BOR now than we used to, the BOR doesn't still do whatever they can to their best to screw Tech, then you are an idiot. When you, as you obviously don't, know nothing at all about history and how it even now affects both the school as a whole, and athletics in general, you would be best to just keep your damn mouth shut.
Yes, the school is its own worst enemy; there is no doubt about that in the least, but it hasn't always been that way. Tech AD's and presidents used to fight for Tech and had the common sense to know that when athletics succeeded, the whole school was better off for it. Nowadays, neither recent AD's (with the possible exception of DRad, and even he was somewhat suspect) and Tech presidents haven't and still don't done a thing to show that they really give a damn about athletics at Tech. If you think that just because we have a few more Tech grads on the BOR now than we used to, the BOR doesn't still do whatever they can to their best to screw Tech, then you are an idiot. When you, as you obviously don't, know nothing at all about history and how it even now affects both the school as a whole, and athletics in general, you would be best to just keep your damn mouth shut.
Lol Someone is salty. All your current GA BOR narratives are full of holes and without facts. Sorry you were called out for a conspiracy theory with no facts or substance to back it up. You resorted to examples from 92 & 60 years ago as proof that somehow the BOR is responsible in any way shape or form for the current landscape of GT athletics. You truly are living in the past if you think UGA and any UGA BOR members are at all concerned about what GT is doing. So I’ll ask again. Why can’t GT in 2022 expand the degrees offered?

The fact that you still think a BOR who’s focus is purely on academics is at all the reason why their is an Atlantic Ocean sized gap between GT and any of the main rivals around them is breathtakingly comical. Enjoy those conspiracy theories. I’m sure that will bode well in 2 years when the next round of conference expansion ends the ACC……..
Earlier versions of the BOR? How does that even matter in a conversation about present day? If GT tried to expand degree options now, if denied could easily be contested and won in court. Fact remains, the evolving conference expansion is going to truly tell if GT is In or out. One step towards showing the B1G they are in, would be preparing expanded degree options that are more suited towards athletics.

IANAL, but it seems far fetched to me that a state entity governed by the BOR could take the BOR to court because it doesn’t like the way the BOR is governing it.

Lol Someone is salty. All your current GA BOR narratives are full of holes and without facts. Sorry you were called out for a conspiracy theory with no facts or substance to back it up. You resorted to examples from 92 & 60 years ago as proof that somehow the BOR is responsible in any way shape or form for the current landscape of GT athletics. You truly are living in the past if you think UGA and any UGA BOR members are at all concerned about what GT is doing. So I’ll ask again. Why can’t GT in 2022 expand the degrees offered?

The fact that you still think a BOR who’s focus is purely on academics is at all the reason why their is an Atlantic Ocean sized gap between GT and any of the main rivals around them is breathtakingly comical. Enjoy those conspiracy theories. I’m sure that will bode well in 2 years when the next round of conference expansion ends the ACC……..
You are so FOS, I can smell it in Augusta. I am done with you and your willful ignorance. FU !!!
IANAL, but it seems far fetched to me that a state entity governed by the BOR could take the BOR to court because it doesn’t like the way the BOR is governing it.

As much as it seems far fetched that a state BOR (regardless of state) would only prevent one school in an entire state from expanding the degrees offered. Especially when in the case of the GA BOR has more GT grads over the school supposedly preventing GT from expanding degrees. Hmmmmm….Kind of odd don’t you think?

Conspiracy theorist gonna conspiracy I guess.
You are so FOS, I can smell it in Augusta. I am done with you and your willful ignorance. FU !!!
I get it old man. Logic gets in the way of your pipe dream conspiracies about the state, ACC, NCAA, (insert here) out to only prevent GT from having success. Ignorance is bliss in your mind eh?

Stop blaming everyone else and hope there is a solution in the next 2 years that makes GT a viable option to cash in with 5he B1G.
I get it old man. Logic gets in the way of your pipe dream conspiracies about the state, ACC, NCAA, (insert here) out to only prevent GT from having success. Ignorance is bliss in your mind eh?

Stop blaming everyone else and hope there is a solution in the next 2 years that makes GT a viable option to cash in with 5he B1G.
I'll be surprised if you get a response. You've probably made his ignore list now. It's his MO after losing an argument. Just hit the reply button and point out what a moron he is to everyone else and refer to him in 3rd person.
As much as it seems far fetched that a state BOR (regardless of state) would only prevent one school in an entire state from expanding the degrees offered. Especially when in the case of the GA BOR has more GT grads over the school supposedly preventing GT from expanding degrees. Hmmmmm….Kind of odd don’t you think?

Conspiracy theorist gonna conspiracy I guess.

It’s happened before. *shrug*

I dunno if it’s a football vendetta or a resource allocation policy or what. Or it could be that the leadership at Tech doesn’t want to expand - when Crecine did his thing back in the 80s, a lot of people (faculty, alumni) freaked out.
