Haaahaahaaa PETA going after Uga


Varsity Lurker
Mar 26, 2016
These people are total loons but this quote is gold...
PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman released a statement on the matter ... saying, "As the back-to-back national champion, can’t UGA find it in its heart to honestly examine the impact of its promotion of deformed dogs and call time on its outdated, live-animal mascot program?"
When you have bred an animal to the point where it can no longer reproduce without human intervention, you've gone too far.

True, and let's not lose sight of the irony that you can't have a new uga without a human jacking one off to help facilitate the process (similar to the fanbase).
That fat ass dog lives better than most people
American dogs that aren’t abandoned by owners have better life standards than roughly 5 billion people on the planet. They get shelter, food, free healthcare and affection.

English Bulldog is a very unhealthy breed already and Seiler family inbreeds them to the point of deformity. American bulldog would be a more proper mascot for them and it’s a much healthier dog than the English bulldog. PETA is right. But because PETA’s usually busy throwing red paint on people wearing furs or defending cow’s rights nobody will take them seriously.

Uga 1


Uga x


Uga xv
That fat ass dog lives better than most people
"lives better"? Maybe, I'm sure it gets all the pets and treats and pampering it could ever want. But can it walk 100 yards without its heart exploding? Can it chase a ball without popping its hips out of socket?