Happy Monday

Huge UGAG fan at work today told me "we should quit scheduling Tech because there is no good that can come from that game" I responded with "Yeah losing usually doesn't help anything, and while you are at it you should cancel your games with Florida, Tennessee, and Auburn every year." "But we beat Auburn this year." He also complained about us destroying their hedges. Said we should be arrested. I finished with the fact that CPJ has as many wins in Athens than CKS.
Bimbo from UGA out today. I helped decorate her cube, the poster of the 'when I talk to UGA alumni I order large fries. Jethro was in about 10:30, there was a photo of Kirby Smart in the Dr Pepper ad, he was not thrilled over that, best photo shop of 2016. Another young guy was OK, he came over and said it was a good game. All other GT alumni up beat and fun, Clempson fan was excited as well, it may have been gas, they played no one.
I enjoyed today. My office is full of uga grads and fans. I strolled in with a white, gold and navy tie and everything went uphill from there.
Lone UGA grad at our office earlier this morning - "it was a good game, but I'm upset that your players tore up the hedges. It's like tearing down a tree at a national park."

More like tearing down a tree at a trailer park.

I was struck, while thinking about the game yesterday, by just how played out and hackneyed all their gameday "traditions" are. It's been the same old shit for years. Some trumpet player playing the "Battle Hymn of the Republic" (just like half the other SEC schools, and the Yankee army in the Civil War...). The "Redcoat" (like the bad guys in the Revolutionary War) marching band. Spelling "Georgia," for some reason - at least Clemson lives that gimmick throughout the whole game and not just in the pregame. The "Sanford stadium tradition" of singing the national anthem (yeah, nobody else does that). That stupid inbred dog that in no way factors into their gameday because it's too dumb and crippled to do anything but sit on the sideline and lick its nuts. Those almighty hedges that are a) a weed, and b) a dime a dozen in college football stadiums. Dead-ass Larry Munson droning on without a hint of irony about how unique and special "gameday in Athens" is. 90,000 sheep sitting in that genital wart of a stadium convinced that they are part of something unique and special, rather than something lame and just like everywhere else but worse, because they're a bunch of yokels who've never been outside the state.

TLDR: To Hell With Georgia.

More like tearing down a tree at a trailer park.

I was struck, while thinking about the game yesterday, by just how played out and hackneyed all their gameday "traditions" are. It's been the same old öööö for years. Some trumpet player playing the "Battle Hymn of the Republic" (just like half the other SEC schools, and the Yankee army in the Civil War...). The "Redcoat" (like the bad guys in the Revolutionary War) marching band. Spelling "Georgia," for some reason - at least Clemson lives that gimmick throughout the whole game and not just in the pregame. The "Sanford stadium tradition" of singing the national anthem (yeah, nobody else does that). That stupid inbred dog that in no way factors into their gameday because it's too dumb and crippled to do anything but sit on the sideline and lick its nuts. Those almighty hedges that are a) a weed, and b) a dime a dozen in college football stadiums. Dead-ass Larry Munson droning on without a hint of irony about how unique and special "gameday in Athens" is. 90,000 sheep sitting in that genital wart of a stadium convinced that they are part of something unique and special, rather than something lame and just like everywhere else but worse, because they're a bunch of yokels who've never been outside the state.

TLDR: To Hell With Georgia.

Do they still run the team out behind a stupidly large fire hydrant? I always found that to be one of the stupidest ideas ever. Oddly enough, that was the one thing that they did that wasn't lifted from someone else.
Do they still run the team out behind a stupidly large fire hydrant? I always found that to be one of the stupidest ideas ever. Oddly enough, that was the one thing that they did that wasn't lifted from someone else.

I honestly don't pay that much attention anymore. I think they just had a lot of fire extinguisher fog (like Miami) and some big G flags (like everybody else).

I was sort of halfway impressed that their flyover was on time this year. I remember sitting in the 600 section a few years back when they were having some C-130s fly over. The anthem ended, and we could still see the planes in a holding pattern miles away from the stadium. I think they MIGHT have arrived before kickoff. This year they had some Coast Guard guys fly over in a rescue helicopter. Bless their hearts, we had a message from the commander of the space station, FROM ACTUAL SPACE, the week before. :-)

Oh, I forgot another "tradition" - a bad 90s nu metal/butt rock cover of Elton John's "Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting" right before they take the field. More like "Saturday Afternoon's Alright For Getting Your Shit Pushed In By Paul Johnson," amirite?

I'm the lone Tech fan in a fire dept full of mutts (and a Free Shoes U fan who, coincidentally enough, is Tommy Hammonds' brother...) Nobody said a freakin' word... What's that song say, "Silence is Golden"... Literally!!!

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I didnt let a single mutt fan walk past my office on the way to their cubes this morning...
Lone UGA grad at our office earlier this morning - "it was a good game, but I'm upset that your players tore up the hedges. It's like tearing down a tree at a national park."

You can add to his despair tomorrow by telling him, that some Tech fans tore up the hedges as well and are now posting their pictures on their avatars on your Tech discussion board....
If you eventually take pity on him, you can tell him that those things grow like weeds and will grow back in a couple of weeks.
I love listening to Georgia post game shows after they lose... this one was glorious as you can imagine.

They said what has to change is the fact that no one is "scared" to come into Samford. They said Vandy isn't, Tennessee isn't, and even Tech isn't afraid to come here.
That stupid 4 finger thing they do at then end of the third while the band plays a simple cadence. Budweiser kicks its ass
That is the Krypton Fanfare. I think it would be awesome for our band to learn that and play it when we beat them.
You can add to his despair tomorrow by telling him, that some Tech fans tore up the hedges as well and are now posting their pictures on their avatars on your Tech discussion board....
If you eventually take pity on him, you can tell him that those things grow like weeds and will grow back in a couple of weeks.

Haha both are great ideas :biggrin: actually trying to take it easy on him and he might get even sadder if I mention they'll grow back
We beat Georgia and then the rain start coming. Our Victory is also responsible for breaking the drought