High Points in Mercer History

That time they made Coach K cry.


I think we should show that on the Big Board when Mercer runs on the field as a way of welcoming them to Atlanta.

I also hope CPJ is making everybody watch the replay of that game sometime during the week to show what Mercer is capable of.
Believe it or not, Mercer once made Playboy's list of party schools.
Believe it or not, Mercer once made Playboy's list of party schools.

It was before my time, but Mercer had chapel on Wednesdays and no classes. It gave Tuesdays and Wednesdays for extra partying which got it on Playboy's list.
I graduated from GT and Mercer. I'm a GT fan but am happy Mercer has risen to the level where it can get the crap beat out of it by GT.
Opening of the Blue Ridge campus, offering new degree, BA in Apple Picking Science.

I know a GT Bio grad with a Mercer med degree. Her OBGYN practice allows her to do a tad more than 80k.
Future Commencement speaker.

The high point in mercer history is when GT fans white knight for the school before we play them in football.
Watch out CPJ! Mercer's largest margin of victory (77-0) was in 1937, over Georgia Teachers College (Currently Georgia Southern).