Homophobic statements

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The word "homophobic" is stupid as hell, loaded term. You aren't necessarily scared of gays if you hate them. Use "anti-gay".

I have reported numerous anti-gay comments on this board to no avail.
Why do I like Stingtalk, other than following GT Football?

The majority of posters are "Equal Opportunity Offenders". Minority? Majority? It does not really matter as everyone should remain fair game.

If you are easily offended, the solution to our problem is quite easy. Good Bye!
Why do I like Stingtalk, other than following GT Football?

The majority of posters are "Equal Opportunity Offenders". Minority? Majority? It does not really matter as everyone should remain fair game.

If you are easily offended, the solution to our problem is quite easy. Good Bye!
Yeah, this. We insult everybody. Why would anyone's little pet group of pansies get a pass?
Why do I like Stingtalk, other than following GT Football?

The majority of posters are "Equal Opportunity Offenders". Minority? Majority? It does not really matter as everyone should remain fair game.

If you are easily offended, the solution to our problem is quite easy. Good Bye!
Even the georgia state guy gets it.
Gays and other minorities don't have to be cognizant of what they say about straight white men. They don't even have to be cognizant of what they say about other minorities or even their own people.

It reminds me of the Jewish guy in Seinfeld who converted to Judaism just so he could make Jewish jokes. I think I am going to start telling people I'm bisexual just so I can make fun of gays and other minorities without it being considered a hate crime.
Why is this in the football forum? Who's running this ship anyhow?
Are you a prospect into smoking pole and hitting the back hole?
Maybe you should consider playing for the university of Miami!"
Gays and other minorities don't have to be cognizant of what they say about straight white men. They don't even have to be cognizant of what they say about other minorities or even their own people.

It reminds me of the Jewish guy in Seinfeld who converted to Judaism just so he could make Jewish jokes. I think I am going to start telling people I'm bisexual just so I can make fun of gays and other minorities without it being considered a hate crime.
Anti-dentite! :biggrin:
I'm going to bet some of the most insulting offenders in this thread have gay urges they're repressing and this thread is a way to deal with it. Guys it's 2016. No one will judge. Come out of the closet!
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