I'm going to float my own thesis which stems from a variety of different experiences. 1)Tech Student Body is partially made up by a bunch of nerds, plain and simple, who would rather hang out in their dorms and complain about Tech Bitch Syndrome than go to the game 2)this lackluster attitude carries over to their alumni years when they're busy playing halo III and watching internet porn 3)if you by some chance want to go to the game because you are a normal human being you are usually so dependent on alcohol you consume a bottle of Beam and pass out or get lost on the way to the game 4) if you're an alumnus who isn't the aforementioned then you repeat explanation 3 for another 40 years until you die an early death from liver failure 5)when you consider how many people are accounted for above its a minor miracle 50,000 people actually make it to any game at BDS.