I Got A Hint Of What The Academic Crowd...


Varsity Lurker
Nov 19, 2001
at Tech thinks of our football program. I was at the FASET orientation with my daughter and one of the LADY administrators was building up the incoming freshmen about how they were the cream of the crop with their high GPA's and SAT scores. Then she made the comment that sent my blood boiling, she said that all incoming freshmen had a GPA of 3+ except for some football players. She could have easily not made the last part of that comment. Let's see, I think Tech has 13,000+ students, I don't think it will hurt to have a couple of majors for a 100 athletes that are not quite demanding as CHEM or EE. That will leave 12,900 for the academic crowd to get off on and maintain our sacred reputation and beleive me, it is a religion to our academic crowd. Boys', this program is at a crossroads, in the next year or two we will find out if we are going to play some real football or join PUKE at the bottom. I really believe the reason PUKE's football program is a joke is because of the mindset of their academic crowd and Coach "K"iss off.

South Georgia Jacket
Congrats on your daughter at Tech....won't be long that she will have the guys eating out of her hands if she plays the ratio to her advantage.
You are right about the comment made at FASET. Don't understand why the pointy heads can't figure out that strong, winning sports programs mean strong enrollment numbers.......Oh, I forgot, we do have tons of foreign students beating down our doors to get in.

that is sad. high school GPA has nothing to do with academic success at tech. someone with a 2.5 high school GPA can succeed whereas someone with a 4.0 high school GPA can flunk out @ tech.

high school GPA at best is an indicator. it is not a definitive parameter.

just my opinion.
Oh, I forgot, we do have tons of foreign students beating down our doors to get in.

<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">yeah, i was one of them
Are we talking about some junior level administrative flunky who was snagged for FASET 'cause no one else was available OR someone really higher up and important? Either way, I agree with ncjacket and would have asked her the purpose of her statement.
Clough needs to use this event to give warning = next time an employee of Tech opens their big mouth in a negative way they are out of here.
I think I would have had to say something to her. You didn't cause a scene did you?
I've tried not to get involved with this - but just can't do it. Looks like I'm on my own here.

"She could have easily not made the last part of that comment."
I agree that it was an inappropriate comment to make. BUT, the comment would have been inappropriate if she had singled out ANY group. What disturbs me is that if she had singled out "inner city kids", the indignation on this board would probably be totally lost.

"I don't think it will hurt to have a couple of majors for a 100 athletes that are not quite demanding as CHEM or EE."
Are you suggesting that we have majors like UT and LSU in order to keep people eligible and give them an easy path to graduation? We are what we are - and that is the primary reason so many are proud of Tech. I prefer not to sell my integrity for a few extra wins on Saturday. Geez, the athletes get all kinds of perks as it is. When I was there, nobody gave a rat's butt about me - but me. The academic experience the athletes have is already a watered down version - you want to make it pure pablum.

"That will leave 12,900 for the academic crowd to get off on and maintain our sacred reputation and beleive me, it is a religion to our academic crowd."
And I for one am damn glad it's a religion to them and that is what "gets them off." THEY are a prime reason the school is held in such high regard - not the football team! Our reputation IS sacred. Do you think we get our jobs because Scott Sisson kicked that FG against UVA in 1990? Hell no. We got our jobs because our "academic crowd" believes that our reputation is indeed "sacred." To deride our academic officers because they want to maintain academic standards is at the very best misplaced priorities. From the tenor of your post, it would appear to me that football is your "religion."

"Boys', this program is at a crossroads, in the next year or two we will find out if we are going to play some real football or join PUKE at the bottom."

You sir are correct. We ARE at a crossroads. Are we going to turn the asylum over to the SEC wannabees, or are we going to maintain some standards and integrity?

Why isn't anyone proud of the fact that we maintained our integrity and did not give a pass to those that didn't cut it? Everyone is extremely proud that it happens EVERY semester to lots of good kids, who just happen NOT to be athletes. But that's OK because it "builds character." Yet, when it happens to 10 athletes, people need to be fired! I don't know why those guys flunked out. And I have nothing against them - I'm sure they are good guys - but lots of good guys get the shaft EVERY semester and I haven't seen one post complaining about that. I don't know who was at "fault." But I do know that the buck stops with personal responsibility for our own actions.
getwrecked, I haven't seen one post suggesting we go the route of LSU/ugag/UT, etc. Not one ever.

So athletes get some perks...duh! Believe me, you would see this in an entirely different light if you had to carry their total load for just one or two semesters.

As for our "sacred reputation" academically, how sacred is the reputation at the schools who now have BOTH high academic and athletic legacies? Try reading the soundoff article inside the first page of this morn's AJC for some perspective. THWG
Since I do work with the school's Banner system (grades, enrollment, admissions, financial aid, etc.), I can tell that the girl doing the FASET session was not quite accurate in her statement.

There are numerous students that are outside of the very high GPA/SAT score range that do extremely well at Tech. Some of them are atheletes, some aren't.

As far as enrollment goes, for the first time in many, many years all housing requests and reserves have been met before the start of fall semester. Undergrad enrollment is down compared to other years. Foreign enrollment is down. Graduate enrollment is way up.

The girl at FASET was generalizing and trying to elevate herself at the expense of others - particularly the football program. She could get into trouble for what she said and if you really want to make a difference, contact the admissions office and report her. What she did was wrong.

I agree with my fellow South Georgia
, The integrity that GT upholds in academics in regards to their student athletes is rare and needs to be upheld. High academic standards and athletic standards CAN exist. GT has done it for decades for the most part. But please don't ever underestimate what a strong athletic program can do for a university.

Without athletics, in particular the football program, GT is the equivalent of Emory. I say that not to knock a fine school like Emory, but only to say that millions more around this Earth know something of GT because of the extra exposure. Ask any idiot (me) off the street about who GT is and they'll know something about Tech. Ask that same guy something about Emory, and he's unlikely to know unless he's from the South.
Get wrecked, it sounds to me that you take some sort of satisfaction when others fail at something you have accomplished. Do you think flunkouts make you and your degree look better?
Do you think that you or me or anyone else will get that promotion because at least 10 football players flunked out? I don't.

If anyone here has called for powder puff majors strictly for athletes, I have missed it. What has been discussed is the advent of non math/science degree programs that will help us recruit good student/athletes that have no interest in becoming an engineer. Where has it been said that these programs would be easy?

You also say that athletes are already priviliged at Tech. Of course they are! Just like any other Tech student that was recruited and offered a scholorship to attend school here.
Thats the way it should be. Every other student is a walk on.

You talk about reputation. Every body has their own read on that, but to me and millions of others I believe, Techs reputation is great academics AND its football team. Sure, you will find people at either extreme: the academic pin heads that want to take athletics down, and the athletics only set. This latter group is minute in volume, and they did't go to school here.

We are at a crossroads here, and I for one would feel like we had a chance if the leader of our athletic department would stand up to the pin head group on the hill. Its real simple. If he doesn't, we will hope to be like Duke.
Our youngest son was also in the FASET program last weekend.

“I was at the FASET orientation with my daughter and one of the LADY administrators was building up the incoming freshmen about how they were the cream of the crop with their high GPA's and SAT scores. Then she made the comment that sent my blood boiling, she said that all incoming freshmen had a GPA of 3+ except for some football players. She could have easily not made the last part of that comment. “

I also do believe it was inappropriate for an administrator to make a reference to lower GPA scores for athletes. It was an unnecessary slight and something should be said about it, but it isn’t a termination offense. Not nearly as offensive as the kid entering as a freshman from Athens wearing a UGA cap. How long will he last?

“Let's see, I think Tech has 13,000+ students, I don't think it will hurt to have a couple of majors for a 100 athletes that are not quite demanding as CHEM or EE. That will leave 12,900 for the academic crowd to get off on and maintain our sacred reputation and believe me, it is a religion to our academic crowd. Boys', this program is at a crossroads, in the next year or two we will find out if we are going to play some real football or join PUKE at the bottom. I really believe the reason PUKE's football program is a joke is because of the mindset of their academic crowd and Coach "K"iss off.”

Things have sure changed since my freshman orientation at AMC in 1967. For the last four years I’ve been warning my son about Tech’s rigid academic demands and narrow curriculum, “you better watch out for Calculus and Chemistry”…Now I feel like Alley-Oop standing in the middle of Peachtree Street, warning everyone to watch out for the dinosaurs running amok. Well, it turns out many of those dinosaurs are extinct and I sure feel old.

I was amazed to learn Tech now offers degrees in “History, Technology, and Science”, and “Science, Technology and Culture”. The liberal arts department also offers a minor in “Women’s Studies”.

When I was a Freshman all undergraduates took 3 quarters of Calculus, 3 courses of Chemistry. By the end of the Freshman year, many kids were no longer around.

Now, the non-engineering majors can opt out of both Calculus and Chemistry.

Things have certainly changed. The Board of Regents (where these decisions are made) has broadened Tech academic program considerably. I believe this is good for Tech and will make it easier for us to recruit student athletes.
'71, this is good news.

I wish "Womens Studies" would have been around when I was there. Maybe I would understand them better today.
71, you are mis-informed. While non-engineers can take Biology instead of Chemistry, they must take 2 semesters of Math, including Survey of Calculus (whatever that means).

SouthGA, we do have a couple of majors not as demanding as EE and ChemE....the problem is they are still more demanding than the toughest majors offered at UGA, FSU, etc.

Overall, I'm more in the Getwrecked "Academic" crowd, even though I'm a die-hard football fan. We can have our cake and eat it too....we just have to work harder and smarter.....and we don't need administrators around like Carol Moore, and whoever made that idiotic statement at FASET.
Originally posted by Beeski:
71, you are mis-informed. While non-engineers can take Biology instead of Chemistry, they must take 2 semesters of Math, including Survey of Calculus (whatever that means).
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">
Originally posted by 71YellowJacket:

When I was a Freshman all undergraduates took 3 quarters of Calculus, 3 courses of Chemistry. By the end of the Freshman year, many kids were no longer around.

Now, the non-engineering majors can opt out of both Calculus and Chemistry.

<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Beeski?? Must be a failure to communicate.

By the way, I don’t think we are smart enough to have our cake and eat it too. That would take a miracle similar to the one involving loaves and fishes…..but I want to believe it’s possible.
UGAg will be able to use these rules to direct players into their "Arts and Sciences" major that so many players take down there. You never know when you may need someone to look at a painting for you and verify that they used paint on it. Same goes for Clem's son, Alabama, FSU, UT, Florida ... - sorry guys, meant to post this one on the NCAA rules thing.