If you abhor a post...


The Dark Side of the Force
Oct 15, 2001
If you abhor a post, hate it, think it has no place on the board... and YOU reply to it, do not send e-mail to me asking for the removal of the post or the suspension of the user who made it. When you add your 2 cents in, it bumps the post right to the top of the board. Now others will read it, maybe hate it, and reply to it. If you want a certain type of post to disappear from the board, do not reply to it. The post will sink like a rock. I have explained the logic of this before. It takes 2 to argue, regardless of who is right and who is wrong. Obviously I am not speaking of the posts that generate legitimate heated debate. I am talking about the ones that cross the line with redundancy, name-calling, attacks, and general ridiculousness.
If you are taking the position that people that make posts like Techsamillion's will not be banned or their posts removed, I think you are opening the door to a new level of nastiness and removing your own justification for banning or removing other fonts.

Asking the entrire Stingtalk community not to respond these types of posts as a solution will not make it go away. Eventually someone that is equally intolerant will come along with an equally nasty, opposing post and everytime they respond to one another it goes to the top of the board. What will you do then?

You're right in takes two to Tango, but two out of how many posters on this board. Let's not let a few bad apples ruin it for everyone.
I sometimes wonder if we've forgotten who the enemey is. We don't have any dawgs to kick around here so we unfortunately resort to eachother.

(((hmmm...alias idea)))
Originally posted by JTS:
If you are taking the position that people that make posts like Techsamillion's will not be banned or their posts removed, I think you are opening the door to a new level of nastiness and removing your own justification for banning or removing other fonts.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">That's not what he is saying. He says, in essence, you can't have it both ways--either complain to the moderator about a post or respond to the post but not both.
this post shouldnt have been replied to
So, I guess I should assume that this ex post facto ruling completely nullifies the validity of my position. That does not make any sense and does not reflect the way these matters have been handled in the past. Ignoring BEEware's posts was not the solution nor will it be the solution in cases such as these.

Whether it is the moderators' intent or not, their inaction on this item demonstrates a clear bias to a certain line of thinking. Techsamillion has not even received a public warning or admonishment to desist from these kinds of posts. The moderators have instead decided to change the ground rules in order to ignore the opinions of opposing views and to avoid taking action. I find it difficult to believe that an equally vile post from a font directed at Chan supporters would be tolerated, but if it will be then get ready, because I am sure that someone out there is just rearing to post one. Let's do what is right here in order to avoid future problems.
Originally posted by JTS:
So, I guess I should assume that this ex post facto ruling completely nullifies the validity of my position. That does not make any sense and does not reflect the way these matters have been handled in the past. Ignoring BEEware's posts was not the solution nor will it be the solution in cases such as these.

Whether it is the moderators' intent or not, their inaction on this item demonstrates a clear bias to a certain line of thinking. Techsamillion has not even received a public warning or admonishment to desist from these kinds of posts. The moderators have instead decided to change the ground rules in order to ignore the opinions of opposing views and to avoid taking action. I find it difficult to believe that an equally vile post from a font directed at Chan supporters would be tolerated, but if it will be then get ready, because I am sure that someone out there is just rearing to post one. Let's do what is right here in order to avoid future problems.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">It's their board. I would think they can have any bias they want to. If you have a problem, you can go over to BuzzOff and I'm sure they will welcome you with open arms.
Mods, if I am out of line by trying to explain how I understood your post I apologize and understand this particular post will be zapped with the lesson learned to stay out of the "mods' business. My intent is to try to explain what I think you are saying, not start something.

originally posted by jts
So, I guess I should assume that this ex post facto ruling completely nullifies the validity of my position.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">NO, what nullifies your position is you are reacting to something that was not said.

The original post did not say "ignore the post and it will go away." It said you can't respond to the poster and then report it to the moderator. If you have a problem with a post/poster, responding to it takes it to the top of the board just where you (being the one with the problem) does not want it.

I can only remember one poster who has ever received a "public admonishment." And I would bet that that poster had received an abundance of private warnings first.

Again you have missed the point completely.
Originally posted by chilidogking:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Originally posted by JTS:
So, I guess I should assume that this ex post facto ruling completely nullifies the validity of my position. That does not make any sense and does not reflect the way these matters have been handled in the past. Ignoring BEEware's posts was not the solution nor will it be the solution in cases such as these.

Whether it is the moderators' intent or not, their inaction on this item demonstrates a clear bias to a certain line of thinking. Techsamillion has not even received a public warning or admonishment to desist from these kinds of posts. The moderators have instead decided to change the ground rules in order to ignore the opinions of opposing views and to avoid taking action. I find it difficult to believe that an equally vile post from a font directed at Chan supporters would be tolerated, but if it will be then get ready, because I am sure that someone out there is just rearing to post one. Let's do what is right here in order to avoid future problems.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">It's their board. I would think they can have any bias they want to. If you have a problem, you can go over to BuzzOff and I'm sure they will welcome you with open arms.</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Chili: You do BuzzOFF great justice by mentioning it in this thread, because it indeed is a forum FOR ALL OPINIONS to be stated without bashing of one to the other and name calling!

Oh, sorry I forgot - bashing other fans without reprisal or overseeing is what this is all about and you agree, excuse me ... I forgot who you were for a second!
Originally posted by JTS:
Whether it is the moderators' intent or not, their inaction on this item demonstrates a clear bias to a certain line of thinking. Techsamillion has not even received a public warning or admonishment to desist from these kinds of posts. The moderators have instead decided to change the ground rules in order to ignore the opinions of opposing views and to avoid taking action. I find it difficult to believe that an equally vile post from a font directed at Chan supporters would be tolerated, but if it will be then get ready, because I am sure that someone out there is just rearing to post one. Let's do what is right here in order to avoid future problems.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">As I type this, I am keeping in mind that you have only been a member 2 months. Whether or not you read the board prior to joining I do not know.

1. There is no bias on the parts of the mods here. gtfan and I do not use Stingtalk as a bully pulpit from which to spout our opinions about GT sports. I may post opinions in Off-Topic but thats it. While sometimes I want to join in and make my thoughts known, I do not. I learned early on that board owner/operator does not mix well with opinionated poster.

2. There is not "changing of the ground rules". We are an open forum, always have been, always will be. The rule we follow is "You have freedom of speech as long as it doesnt infringe upon the rights of others to enjoy the board." If you want a babysitter, go elsewhere.

3. As a rule, we do not attempt to embarrass any users by airing dirty laundry. If we need to point out something to a user, we try to do it in private. Unfortunately this doesnt work with some users.

I hope this clears up any misconceptions you have about our board. If you have any questions or comments you are always welcome to e-mail me.

So if I understand correctly what I should do is:

1. Report the post to the moderator.

2. Sit back and watch while the post go unopposed and gets bumped up solely by those supporting the offensive / vile position.

3. The post will then still not be removed nor the poster admonished.

This policy makes no sense. It is the same as saying if someone tries to punch you in the face, you can either try to defend yourself or call the police. But don't bother calling the police if you're going to defend yourself, because that waives all your rights to any sort of recourse. Of course if you call the police, they will just show up and watch they guy punch you in the face and do nothing about it. This isn't a policy at all. It is an invitation to flame away that is what I am trying to point out.

I know that there have been very few posters to get banned, but this post is particularly offensive. I think that the serverity of the offense calls for a more decisive reaction from those in charge.


I really think that our moderators are above the "well its my ball and I'm going home" position, but thanks for the contribution.
how many posts have you reported to the mods and nothing has happenned?

How do you know nothing has happenned?

How do you know we did not take Techsmillion behind the woodshed?
I can say that probably 50% of the posts complained on we take some sort of action.

But as stated earlier we do not publicize what action we take.

It is a private matter and there is no reason to air it out publicly.

Would anyone here want a public reprimand?

I have been posting on the board for much longer of than two months. I formerly went by cbre, but I made some changes to my profile and for some reason was not able to log on anymore. I sent you an e-mail regarding the issue and never got a response so I re-registered. For what its worth, I beleive I was poster #200 and something.

I very much appreciate you and gtfan for maintaining this messageboard. I only make the points above because want this to continue to be a good place to discuss all things GT. I think how this matter is being handled sets a bad precedent for how future similar posts will be handled and could lead to reducing the quality of the messageboard. I truly beleive that it is your intent to be fair and consistent and that is why I made the posts that I have.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to maintain this board.
I perosnally am very glad for the original post by BeeStorm and the ensuing thread.

I think I understand a LOT better now how the mods operate, and what I should do if I am appaled by a certain post.

It doesn't hurt to clearly remind everyone of the rules now and again. Thanks for helping us to understand.
Originally posted by JTS:

I have been posting on the board for much longer of than two months. I formerly went by cbre, but I made some changes to my profile and for some reason was not able to log on anymore. I sent you an e-mail regarding the issue and never got a response so I re-registered. For what its worth, I beleive I was poster #200 and something.

I very much appreciate you and gtfan for maintaining this messageboard. I only make the points above because want this to continue to be a good place to discuss all things GT. I think how this matter is being handled sets a bad precedent for how future similar posts will be handled and could lead to reducing the quality of the messageboard. I truly beleive that it is your intent to be fair and consistent and that is why I made the posts that I have.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to maintain this board.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">we are NOT setting ANY precedents. Each post and each member stand on their own merit.

This community is constantly evolving. This board had changed quite a bit from where it was one year ago. This is a product of growth. We welcome feedback from members and we are always trying to make this place better.

Do not read to much into ONE POST. After all it is just one post. I do not think any of us want to be judged on just one post.

One of the reasons we do not post rules is because the environment is continually changing. We have to adapt constantly.

Just have faith in us to keep the board running smoothly. And when you have concerns drop us an email. We listen to feedback and take it very seriously.
originally posted by jts

So if I understand correctly what I should do is:

1. Report the post to the moderator.

2. Sit back and watch while the post go unopposed and gets bumped up solely by those supporting the offensive / vile position.

3. The post will then still not be removed nor the poster admonished.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">1. yes

2. If you choose to open it and read the support of the offensive and vile post, yes.

3. Maybe, maybe not--it's the mods call.
Originally posted by gtfan:
how many posts have you reported to the mods and nothing has happenned?

How do you know nothing has happenned?

How do you know we did not take Techsmillion behind the woodshed?
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I have been posting and lurking on here virtually since the board started, until I saw your topic on reporting bad posts I honestly had no idea how to go about reporting a bad post other responding to it and hoping you guys read the thread. So, no I have never reported a bad post before, but primarily because I did not know how.

I don't know what you did to Techsamillion and that's part of my issue. I know that you have not pulled the post as it is currently the second one from the top as I write and the reason it is there is because someone decided to write:

"Techsamillion....Youve made some GREAT points..Your taking some heat from a few here..But the Truth hurts...

I might add that not only as you indicated that a lot of these people are Northerners but a LOT of them are IMMATURE kids....Maybe as they age a little they will see the light..Unfortunatly as you stated: These Coach bashers and overall negative people HURT our Program...Ive always contended that some potential GT recruits look at this board and it reflects badly for GT. "

After you requested people to let just let the message slide off the board, some yahoo who shares Techsamillion's outrageous views comes along and bumps it to the top just like I said they would. By the time I have posted this I am sure some other yahoo will have posted an opposing flame bumping it back up to the top and it will go on and on. So Techsamillion's post will be the first thing all of our northern recruits and fans will see when they come to this board. If you are not going to pull the post, at least make a public statement denouncing it so those with opposing or similar views will know to call off the dogs or face repercussions.
JTS, in my experience you really have 4 options. You can report a post or email a mod. You can ignore it and hope others do. You can argue with them. Or you can make fun of the whole thing. It does get frustrating sometimes, but it is after all only a message board. If someone posts something really offensive, the mods a pretty good about noticing and getting it off the board. Other wise, every school and every board has idiots who like to post trash. We just disagree on who they are