I'm going to call CPJ

Pitt lined up in one of the most vanilla defensive formations we could possibly see. They did not deviate from it, and they basically dared us to beat them on the outside or in one on one pass coverage.

And we could not do it.

With the box stacked against us, we attempted a dive in the 3rd quarter on a 3rd and 10.

Serious, serious problems are everywhere on this offense.
Pitt lined up in one of the most vanilla defensive formations we could possibly see. They did not deviate from it, and they basically dared us to beat them on the outside or in one on one pass coverage.

And we could not do it.

With the box stacked against us, we attempted a dive in the 3rd quarter on a 3rd and 10.

Serious, serious problems are everywhere on this offense.

The offense had a few chances to put the game away but we still scored 28 points.
They won't let you on the show. Better come up with a good cover story for the screeners so they will let you through.

Maybe something like "Coach, what do you think the key is to beating FSU this weekend?"

They will put you right on through with that fake question.

I was going to ask the screeners: "Coach, what is the solution to the offensive line's struggles?"
C'mon folks. So many levels of Heaven knows what going on here.

Yes, sewak s a major problem. But after 8 darn years of not manning up to block and belly flopping - who could not possibly realize this is what CPJ WANTS! When we did man up to block, look what we did vs ugag & msu last year. Why did we, with virtually the same O line stop doing this? Why are we coaching them down?

This leads to a bigger issue involving the HC. His concern is his beloved TO. Sure a 20 yard run is as good as a 20 yard pass, but why, from our own 6 or 8 yard line, did he throw for 3 and out if I remember correctly? To me it is because it is about him and his O rushing legacy. It is not about putting our guys in position to be as successful as possible. This scenario provides him with ammo to say, "well everyone said we needed to do this or that, so I tried it even from our own goal line, and look what happened. We need to get back to basics" and lead the nation in rushing and 3rd down conversion.

Which leads to another factor tied into the O and sewak. All our O line are taught to do this type of "blocking." The result is everyone we play gets pressure on us, and because (Lord I can in no way lead myself to believe i agree with that dwag dip pollock) that is what our D line practices against they know nothing of a pass rush.

Pitt, in 3 series against our O today, put more pressure on JT than we have put on any QB in 2 seasons.

CTR - over his head and against 3 of 5 losses this year, vs mediocre teams at best. Look how CU started against our D, Pitt took the opening drive and took over 7 minutes off the clock, unc came back from 21 - 0 deficit, last year gsu. As often as not our D does not come out ready, does not tackle as they should, has almost no pash rush.

ALL tied in together, and after watching CPJ chew out Will Bryan , after 3 VETERAN starters let 3 Pitt rushers almost kill JT - I don't think CPJ has our guys backs. Dabo had his guys backs in that news conference last week and they will go to war for him.

I think CPJs main concern is his TO stats first and foremost.
C'mon folks. So many levels of Heaven knows what going on here.

Yes, sewak s a major problem. But after 8 darn years of not manning up to block and belly flopping - who could not possibly realize this is what CPJ WANTS! When we did man up to block, look what we did vs ugag & msu last year. Why did we, with virtually the same O line stop doing this? Why are we coaching them down?

This leads to a bigger issue involving the HC. His concern is his beloved TO. Sure a 20 yard run is as good as a 20 yard pass, but why, from our own 6 or 8 yard line, did he throw for 3 and out if I remember correctly? To me it is because it is about him and his O rushing legacy. It is not about putting our guys in position to be as successful as possible. This scenario provides him with ammo to say, "well everyone said we needed to do this or that, so I tried it even from our own goal line, and look what happened. We need to get back to basics" and lead the nation in rushing and 3rd down conversion.


So you think CPJ wants to protect his legacy...by losing games. wut?
Apparently someone called in and asked about the ineligible receiver during the UNC game.

Stingtalk trolls could learn a thing or two from radio callers.
Apparently someone called in and asked about the ineligible receiver during the UNC game.

Stingtalk trolls could learn a thing or two from radio callers.

The question wasn't a troll, but honestly asking why the slot receiver wasn't eligible. Not a troll, but pretty lazy.
Ok. Asked my question. They cut me off. OP DELIVERED

What was his answer? They cut me off and I didn't have the stream open yet. I heard "I don't think the offense..."
Did you phrase it as, "When pass blocking, do you think our OL would be recognizable as humans during a zombie apocalypse or do you think the zombies would just shamble past thinking the OL were already dead?"
Did you phrase it as, "When pass blocking, do you think our OL would be recognizable as humans during a zombie apocalypse or do you think the zombies would just shamble past thinking the OL were already dead?"

It went something like that. I was honestly feeling pretty nervous. Walked in the door after work, didn't know what was said, it was already 7:45 (ET) and the show was nearly over. They literally threw me on the phone with coach within 2 minutes of calling.