Information regarding the new "Tech Fund"

The piece that many of you are missing is revenue WILL be generated by the increase in student fees, additional funding from the Institute and the benefit of any cost-cutting measures. The wild card is the fans - there will be some that give it up altogether, there will be some that downgrade to an affordable PSL (or no PSL) section but there will also be some that jump on the opportunity to move up, there will be some not affected at all (like me - the PSL for 2 seats is exactly what I give annually, anyway), there will be some that give well beyond the PSL*their number of seats, and there will be others that haven't been giving annually but can afford to and will do so to keep their seats.

I have a feeling it will hurt attendance in the short term (because of you "Who moved my cheese" types) but will drive revenue from the fanbase as well - and if we continue the upward trend and beat UGA a couple of times, this will all be forgotten. But, no matter how much people complain, the bottom line is this is a matter of survival for the athletic dept. The AA is beyond the point of being loyal to season ticket holders and is now asking (begging) for help. At this point, loyalty will to low-revenue, long-time season ticket holders will lead straight to bankruptcy.
ramblinwise1 said:
What the H does this mean? Don't all the SEC schools do this kind of BS?

I believe Knox was pointing out that if we were still in the sec, we would have no problem selling out the building every week with fans that would happily pay the PSL's.
I agree.
midatlantech said:
At Tech, at the 20 yard line it will now cost $150 per ticket and half the games suck.
For tickets at or near the 50 lower west contribution is $450 per ticket + approx. $250 for the ticket / 7 games=$100 per game for tickets near the 50 that you would never be able to get in the past without a HUGE contribution. As for me....if I can budget it....I'm moving on Uh--oooh---up to the East side. finally get a good piece of the pie. Upper east representin'!!
midatlantech said:
Enough said.
Yeah, enough said. Except that I'm from a 'midatlantic' family - Bel Air, if it makes a difference to you. I was attending Tech when Irsay moved the team. Tell me about feeling screwed. The seats I use up there now are 'owned' by a Ravens fan that has moved to Massachusetts and chose to keep his PSL. I was in Nashville this year for the Ravens game last November. You? Will you do the same for Tech? Or did you use that whole RB excuse to skip the Gator Bowl?

I'm not a shill for the 'AA'. You can believe that or not. Very, very far from it. As I said, I'm getting screwed by this deal far more than any of the rest of you. If you care to compare dicks, lay it out there.

I have, though, seen the numbers and spoken with the AD. I have also had to give up my A-T points once before and started all over.

I really don't care if you feel pissed off because you think you are getting screwed by this deal. It isn't about where you sit if your team ends up playing App. State in Chattanooga for the 1-AA Championship, while getting your ass kicked by UGA(g) every year.

Seriously, how much more is this going to cost you? And your family's net income? Now, if you hadn't attended Tech? Tell me you can't swing another $1K of tax deductible income. C'mon, say it.
midatlantech said:
At Tech, at the 20 yard line it will now cost $150 per ticket and half the games suck. I can sell tickets on the street for most games for $25. Free market suggests to me that this plan is not written the best way.

You've seen the schedule of every other D-1 team in the southeast, right? Logic suggests you don't sell the seats and put your butt in them.
ramblinwise1 said:
Keep berating me, clapper

Berating you? You were the one suggesting that this was some sort of secret operation designed to embarass only the great and powerful ramblinwise1. All I did was point out that all of the information was readily available. Tell us why you ignored it.
clapper said:
Berating you? You were the one suggesting that this was some sort of secret operation designed to embarass only the great and powerful ramblinwise1. All I did was point out that all of the information was readily available. Tell us why you ignored it.

"great and powerful ramblinwise1". Oh so thats it your just jealous of me for some reason. Maybe its because I can address an issue without attacking someone whom I disagree with.

"all of the information was readily available". Liar, prove that it was readily available. You haven't done it yet.
ramblinwise1 said:
"all of the information was readily available". Liar, prove that it was readily available. You haven't done it yet.

Explain to me which part of the program wasn't available. We hire a new AD that has a history of implementing seat licenses. This was knowledge anyone could have found on the internet BEFORE he was hired. And you didn't bother looking into it. He lays out the comparison of GT with all other ACC institutions in June...also posted on line (and e-mailed to you if you are in fact a STH), and you didn't bother reading it. In August he posts our entire historical budget (or did you miss that too?), and you didn't bother reading that either. In November, he outlines the plan and tells us that sacrifices will be asked of those inthe premium seats. Did you call him then (or hadn't you begun hanging around the watercooler yet?). By December, he was meeting with individual Alumni clubs (and you still hadn't made that precious donation at that point!!!).

I mean, WTF!!!, were you paying attention or not? Seriously. Don't bother answering. You've proven your ignorance of the situation.

I don't have anything personal against you. You were the one claiming that this was done solely to spite you.
btw--$450 gets you smack dab on the 50 yard line AND 80% of that 900 is tax deductible. To think that people aren't going to be buying these tickets?!?! People that have wanted better seats with no way to get them are going to snap them up. It's put up or shut up time. The old guard that have them may be mad but the people that haven't had a way to get them are foaming at the mouth.
I think those folks are probably nervous. I know if I had great seats I'd be fine paying a little premium to keep them.
I think people should quit being such whiny bitches and pay the extra 50 bucks for their seats.

This whole "I am totally dedicated to Georgia Tech in every way, shape, and form possible, but refuse to pay an extra 50 bucks because I feel betrayed" BS just doesn't ring true to me.

Quit whining.
ramblinwise1 said:
Where in all the information you quoted did it say that we were going to introduce a new seat tax that wouldn't be detailed until after all you fellows made your year-end tax contributions that won't give you any credit for what you gave in '06?
Did it ever occur to you that details cannot be provided until they are completely worked out. All details of any plan in the world are never available until the plan is complete and released.

Whether the plan is any good or not is a different question, but Clapper is correct. You could see something coming that was going to cost STHs more money for a long time
beej67 said:
I think people should quit being such whiny bitches and pay the extra 50 bucks for their seats.

This whole "I am totally dedicated to Georgia Tech in every way, shape, and form possible, but refuse to pay an extra 50 bucks because I feel betrayed" BS just doesn't ring true to me.

Quit whining.

Buzzthe... What kind of money did it take to get the AT points needed to sit at the 50 yard line in the west stands? I'm sure very very few fans over there are going to move as the dollars required are much less than they give anyway.

The examples I am trying to use are for the middle class fan/family that currently have seats on the 20 yard line or whatever.

Personally, my seats are where I wanted them, right on the aisle and next to friends. I could have been in a much better section but I chose where I'm at. I was planning on staying there forever, but I must question to myself why am I going to pay an extra $300 a year when the guy right across the aisle from me will pay nothing. I will likely stay put, but I know some nice folks around me that will not. Meanwhile I will have to keep giving to the AT anyway in order to protect my long term position.

And please, I have these conversations here to discuss what I believe are weaknesses in the plan not fall on a sword. To suggest however that people don't have real budgets, etc. and that they don't think about how they spend their discretionary money is plain foolish. People do.

Clapper I live in the Perry Hall area, just south of Bel Air by the way. As stated before, in a year or so, I will have two kids in college and my seatmate will have three. I travel 700 miles, he travels from Knoxville. My cost, not including time lost to travel, is thousands annually to follow Tech football alone.
midatlantech said:
To suggest however that people don't have real budgets, etc. and that they don't think about how they spend their discretionary money is plain foolish. People do.

Clapper I live in the Perry Hall area, just south of Bel Air by the way. As stated before, in a year or so, I will have two kids in college and my seatmate will have three. I travel 700 miles, he travels from Knoxville. My cost, not including time lost to travel, is thousands annually to follow Tech football alone.

My H.S. girlfriend lived off Forge Rd.

I never said discretionary spending shouldn't be considered. I faced the same decision as you - paying for kids' colleges. I gave up my seats. I didn't treat it as a birthright. And once I was able, I jumped back in. I didn't blame Tech for it. They may have had to change the rules, but they had to in order to stabilize the system. The people that are pissed about it are saying they will give up tickets and imply that they won't be back. And my point still stands. If someone is having a budgetary problem on an engineer's/manager's salary where a $1K-$4K change in discretionary spending is stressful, there is a bigger issue. That is not the school's fault. Granted, there may be short term extenuating circumstances, like college tuitions, but still, don't blame the school.
ken04thompson said:
Did it ever occur to you that details cannot be provided until they are completely worked out. All details of any plan in the world are never available until the plan is complete and released.

Whether the plan is any good or not is a different question, but Clapper is correct. You could see something coming that was going to cost STHs more money for a long time

Clapper is EXACTLY implying that I should have known all the details that were coming and that DRad was going to stick it to us/me. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

I have never said I was taking my ball and going home as some of you are implying. My main gripe with the whole plan is simply that they APPARENTLY aren't going to count AT giving in '06 or some portion thereoff against '07 the seat tax which REPLACES the AT giving as far as seat priority going forward.

How hard would it have been to "grandfather" AT contributions from the past 6 or 3 months against the Seat Tax for 07. I'd be happy. You're happy. DRad's plan is embraced and he's happy. All I want is a little accommodation. Heck, they already compromised on the transfer issue which is a concession to win support for the plan.

Now I will admit that I just got my brochure in the mail yesterday and in reading it, it seems there are a lot of details still not communicated. For example, I believe the AT fund year runs from July 1 to July 1 (just from memory there). If thats the case then my December contribution could be in the '07 giving year, in which case why can't these contributions be counted. In says right on the brochure that the PSL is to replace the AT fund.

Come on DRad, just connect a few more dots and I'm there!

Now, you guys who think you are going to pick up better seats in this process are all happy and full of piss and vinegar. I'd like to call for a Stingtalk poll so that all those who are silent on the matter can participate. The choices are:

1) I love the plan just the way it is and your a dipwad for whining about any aspect of it.
2) The plan is basically good and is necessary and will address the fiscal issues, it just needs to be set up better to give credit for recent AT contributions to apply in the first year.
3) Something needs to be done, but this plan will result in disastrous results, i.e. more loss of money than it raises and destruction of goodwill with the fan base. The plan needs a major overhaul
4) Everything needs to stay exactly the way it is as far as ticket prices and priorities are concerned. Someone else (students, The Hill, cost cuts like salary reductions and AA staff reductions) needs to be done to remove the deficit.

Somebody go over the Hive and post for them to come over here and participate.
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I'd suggest you email DRad and ask. If the decision hasn't been made, your comments would likely be welcome.
ramblinwise1 said:
Clapper is EXACTLY implying that I should have known all the details that were coming and that DRad was going to stick it to us/me.

Excuse me, no. Your comments were, 'had I known', and 'fool me once...'. All I ever asked is how in the heck could anyone that was paying attention not have known? And you came back with some sort of crap about them hiding details and the sort. What I want to know is, considering how much was known by anyone actually following everything that was going on, why in the hell would you put another $1K down and then pretend like nothing had ever been mentioned?

I never said you should have known ALL the details. All I ever asked is given the amount of information we had up until that point, how could you have been stupid enough to put down what was apparently you family's entire life savings without even so much as asking what in the hell was going on?

You are the one that got all indignant about getting screwed because they were doing some backdoor deal that no one ever could have found without an act of Congress.

Did you actually graduate, or do you work for P-Plant? Oh, sorry. That's probably another one of those comments to which you'll take offense. But, just damn.
clapper said:
Excuse me, no. Your comments were, 'had I known', and 'fool me once...'. All I ever asked is how in the heck could anyone that was paying attention not have known? And you came back with some sort of crap about them hiding details and the sort. What I want to know is, considering how much was known by anyone actually following everything that was going on, why in the hell would you put another $1K down and then pretend like nothing had ever been mentioned?

I never said you should have known ALL the details. All I ever asked is given the amount of information we had up until that point, how could you have been stupid enough to put down what was apparently you family's entire life savings without even so much as asking what in the hell was going on?

You are the one that got all indignant about getting screwed because they were doing some backdoor deal that no one ever could have found without an act of Congress.

Did you actually graduate, or do you work for P-Plant? Oh, sorry. That's probably another one of those comments to which you'll take offense. But, just damn.

Dude thats just comical now. You come in here and post for what 2 months (71 posts) and you think you are Mr. Cool slinging sheet and insults like a younger David Letterman. You guys come and go all the time.

Where do you want me to send the transcript.:laugher:

I put the $1K down for the year end tax deduction. I did it because I trusted DRad.
ramblinwise1 said:
Dude thats just comical now. You come in here and post for what 2 months (71 posts) and you think you are Mr. Cool slinging sheet and insults like a younger David Letterman. You guys come and go all the time.

Where do you want me to send the transcript.:laugher:

I put the $1K down for the year end tax deduction. I did it because I trusted DRad.

Oh, I see. I can only 'sling sheet' if I'm a kewl dude who's been hanging around these parts for better long? Then, I can call people shills and liars when they don't agree with me.

You got your $1K tax deduction. You helped your school. So why are you crying? And you trusted DRad to do what exactly? Do you not think he has the best of intentions for Georgia Tech? Or is it because he didn't look after poor little ramblinwise1, who was too busy to take the time to look after himself?

Get over yourself already. You f'ed up. Deal with it.