Isn’t It Coincidental That When GT Left The SEC In 64 …


Damn Good Rat
Dec 17, 2017
the fertile recruiting grounds in Atlanta that Dodd owned shifted toward UGA and their new coach, Vince Dooley. In fact Dooley stated that when he was hired he was told that UGA had to start beating GT, and make inroads into Dodds recruiting territory in Atlanta. So did GT leaving the SEC help UGA achieve those goals or was it just coincidental.
the fertile recruiting grounds in Atlanta that Dodd owned shifted toward UGA and their new coach, Vince Dooley. In fact Dooley stated that when he was hired he was told that UGA had to start beating GT, and make inroads into Dodds recruiting territory in Atlanta. So did GT leaving the SEC help UGA achieve those goals or was it just coincidental.
Rhetorical question?
Well … if we need to get in the SEC to ramp up recruiting we need to be actively pursuing it instead of waiting on the ACC to implode and be a bottom feeder.
the fertile recruiting grounds in Atlanta that Dodd owned shifted toward UGA and their new coach, Vince Dooley. In fact Dooley stated that when he was hired he was told that UGA had to start beating GT, and make inroads into Dodds recruiting territory in Atlanta. So did GT leaving the SEC help UGA achieve those goals or was it just coincidental.
There is some truth in your post, but not all. Dodd had build a strong statewide network over the years, but UGA was always able to attract kids who Tech couldn’t.
I think people continue to make more of the SEC thing than It was. For many years after that, Tech played it’s three biggest rivals; UGA, Auburn and Tennessee. In 1963, no one could have foreseen what would take place 40-50 years later.
I think Dooley said it was Dan Magill who organized the meeting and told Dooley he had to beat GT on the field and recruiting Atlanta. Tech had beaten UGA 11 of the previous 15 years.
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I think Dooley said it was Dan Magill who organized the meeting and told Dooley he had to beat GT on the field and recruiting Atlanta. Tech had beaten UGA 11 of the previous 15 years.
There were reasons why Dodd’s teams, after dominating for most of the 50s, were struggling to win 7 games in the 60s (1966 being the exception). And it wasn’t because Dodd forgot how to coach. Recruiting was becoming more difficult for several reasons, not the least of which was the inflexibility of those on the Hill and the BOR.
Well … if we need to get in the SEC to ramp up recruiting we need to be actively pursuing it instead of waiting on the ACC to implode and be a bottom feeder.

Leaving the SEC may have been a mistake but there is no un-ringing that bell. We aren't getting back in and I am not convinced we should.
Leaving the SEC may have been a mistake but there is no un-ringing that bell. We aren't getting back in and I am not convinced we should.

Maybe you are right about not getting in but you will never convince me we shouldn’t. Dodd’s decision to leave the conference is the gift that keeps on giving. Look at the football program of the other school that left the conference … Tulane. You think South Carolina regrets joining the SEC?
Maybe you are right about not getting in but you will never convince me we shouldn’t. Dodd’s decision to leave the conference is the gift that keeps on giving. Look at the football program of the other school that left the conference … Tulane. You think South Carolina regrets joining the SEC?

You're assuming we would just pick up where we left off as if nothing changed in 60 years. Toothpaste is out of the tube, horse has left the barn, etc.
You're assuming we would just pick up where we left off as if nothing changed in 60 years. Toothpaste is out of the tube, horse has left the barn, etc.

No, but I believe we would be a sight better than we are now, or if the ACC implodes and we end up in the AAC. We could just join the Sun Belt and have GSU as our new in state rival.
In today’s episode of öööö that dead guy that did that thing, we’re examining how Bobby Dodd’s decision 58 years ago to make GT leave the SEC gave its fanbase in 2022 many reasons to cuss his ass out.
You're assuming we would just pick up where we left off as if nothing changed in 60 years. Toothpaste is out of the tube, horse has left the barn, etc.

I don't think anyone thinks we would just pick up where we left off, that would be stupid; but it would be a critical step back. There are basically 2 potential paths back, the SEC route and the B1G route. We may not be able to fix Dodd's fiasco because the paths to doing so are outside of our control. It is not so much putting toothpaste back into a tube as it is rebuilding from the ashes.
In this magical parallel universe realm where we rejoin the SEC, I don’t think it’s gonna matter that we left previously. It’s not like we broke up with them and now they’re taking us back so its gonna be awkward. I don’t understand the horse has left the barn comments.
In today’s episode of öööö that dead guy that did that thing, we’re examining how Bobby Dodd’s decision 58 years ago to make GT leave the SEC gave its fanbase in 2022 many reasons to cuss his ass out.
Ain’t that the truth, brother.
the fertile recruiting grounds in Atlanta that Dodd owned shifted toward UGA and their new coach, Vince Dooley. In fact Dooley stated that when he was hired he was told that UGA had to start beating GT, and make inroads into Dodds recruiting territory in Atlanta. So did GT leaving the SEC help UGA achieve those goals or was it just coincidental.
Recruiting Hershel Walker and playing for three straight national titles ended any recruiting advantage Tech had left in the state. We have been the little brother ever since.