Jackets upend duh-U! Post game celebrate here!

Is it real? I can't seem to find other sources for either of the last two links you posted, they both have really weird urls, and both seem to be doing something funky with the lettering in the text.
Pretty sure the second one is fake, but I just assumed the first one was real. No idea.
Watching the replay, it seemed like there were a lot of cheap shots and attempts to injure our guys by the Miami players. I know it's football, and that's part of the game, but unnecessary attempts to injure opponents is a big part of their game. So glad we beat these thugs.
That video I posted yesterday about Cristobal wanting the replay the game because of "collusion" between Key and the refs, is still hanging around. I just saw it on FB, although it was posted yesterday, and you wouldn't believe the Miami fans agreeing with it and trying to claim they got screwed by the refs. WOW
Miami player grabbed a fan's phone and hurled it across the field. Airtime was a few seconds. O_o
