Justin Thomas

Any idea what's next for him? Can we convince him to become a grad assistant / recruiter?
I hear we are getting a big receiver next season. Trains by dancing, apparently. Alvin Bronson.
Was it just me or did JT kind of shrug after the interception as if to say "Hey that's ok, we'll take that field position."? That was also an excellent tackle by Qua.
That's what I said to the folks watching the game with me. We just punted and downed it on the 5 basically. I'll take it.
But but but, he can't pass for shite! Not only did I read that on the internet, but more importantly on ST for years, so it must be true, huh!?

More seriously, his father told a woofer that ugag wouldn't beat us when his son started playing....almost right on!
Any idea what's next for him? Can we convince him to become a grad assistant / recruiter?

Is this what Tevin Washington does now? I remember reading somewhere that's Tevin is still involved with the team.....I really hope that isn't true.
Oh öööö! I see where I ööööed up. I meant I really hope it's true that's Tevin is involved with the program. He might not have always had the best results but his effort/determination never was questioned. So I think he would make a great GA or help with recruiting.

Sorry bout that. I didn't learn how to write in Statesboro.
ha... yes Tevin is a GA. Watch a replay of some of the games and you'll always see him near CPJ on the sidelines. I think he mostly coaches BB's.

Is this what Tevin Washington does now? I remember reading somewhere that's Tevin is still involved with the team.....I really hope that isn't true.

He is a graduate assistant and works with QB/BB coach Bryan Cook. You can see him on the sidelines, usually next to CPJ, if you watch the games.
ha... yes Tevin is a GA. Watch a replay of some of the games and you'll always see him near CPJ on the sidelines. I think he mostly coaches BB's.

Hm. His face says "Tevin" but from the neck down all I see is Dwyer. Dig seeing TW working with the team though.