Keith Marshall's Brother

Before any of y'all have a heart attack, read bj's post and comprehend it. We have a few RSrs that will be graduating and will not be cracking the two deep. If your idea of a moral failure is not paying for grad school as a matter of course, then yes, for you we might over sign and coach may get hit by lightning for it. So don't sit too close to him at the Edge next week.

It is wrong for a coach to gamble with a kid's football career like that. It's exploitative. Doesn't matter if it works out.

Now, if it's a situation like with Stewart where Johnson promised him the first available scholarship, and did not guarantee him a scholarship, that's different.
It is wrong for a coach to gamble with a kid's football career like that, doesn't matter if it works out.

if you have 11 and you KNOW the next card in the stack is a King, is it really gambling to double down?
It is wrong for a coach to gamble with a kid's football career like that. It's exploitative. Doesn't matter if it works out.

It's not gambling with a kids career, good lord. One of the players moving on already has a job lined up.
What happens if the guy who is supposed to graduate fails a class and has to graduate in Fall?
What happens if the guy who is supposed to graduate can't graduate fails a class and has to graduate in Fall?

What happens to a regular student that accepts a job to start after graduation but then fails a class and doesn't graduate?
Nope. But they're in danger of losing their academic scholarship if they fail classes and don't graduate in time.

So, you are saying the RS SR is in danger of losing his scholarship. That's what I thought as well.
So, you are saying the RS SR is in danger of losing his scholarship. That's what I thought as well.

If he fails classes, then yes. His scholarship to the school is dependent on him performing well in class.