Kids dont love it

I'm not wanting to bash the players but I'm a bit dumfounded by this. I guess it's the old "can't see the forest through the trees." But I mean, they didn't see scoring 0 points against OM, uga, and ND as a problem? The players played much better against UCF but the coaches screwed it up time and again.

This firing definitely was for the fans, to try and get us back engaged and spending money and buying tickets this season. Based on these players' reaction they're obviously not as upset with the losses and the manner of losing as I would have expected so I don't expect they will do anything but rollover from here out.

What a mess. We hired a guy to come in and changed the culture and he did change it, changed it to soft...
I can empathize with them but hire Deion and players will be like "Geoff who?"
Gen-Z mindset. You don't perform on the field and then cry when your coach is canned for your horrible performance. Participation trophies for everyone! Yay!

If he was canned for consistent, 7-win seasons, it'd be one thing, but the team sucks a fat turd right now .. they're pitiful. If anything, they should be shocked he lasted so long with such piss-poor performances.
We only had to listen to Collins’ BS from time to time. The players heard it everyday, so I imagine some were brainwashed in the process.

The players probably also know him on a personal level and know he's a good guy who cares about them and is having his life turned upside down. I'm sure they also know they are partly at fault for his failures, and feel like shit about the whole thing. I'ts not fun to realize you suck.

Then they go online and see people talking about how if he takes the buyout we should drag Collins outside and physically beat him, how they're going to take a picture of Collins to the firing range and aim for his face, etc. The natural reaction to that isn't going to be, "Oh yeah, he deserves that because we didn't play well enough", it's going to be to defend him.

I don't care if it would be worse at other programs, the personal attacks we're making on Collins right now are ridiculous and frankly an embarrassment to a fanbase that likes to talk shit about how other fanbases are full of assholes. Neither Collins nor the players are above criticism, and they've certainly earned plenty of it, but the way we're attacking our own is unacceptable.
I assume they’re kind of isolated in a bubble and getting a daily dose of coaching platitudes, but if they’re on Twitter and whatnot, there’s no way they didn’t see the writing on the wall starting at the end of last year.

I get that they love their guy, especially a guy that was as big on “loving his players” as Collins seemed to be. It sucks for them that love doesn’t win games, which is ultimately what it’s all about.

It’s hard to expect an 18-22 year old inside the program to have the same perspective as somebody in the stands that’s been watching things for 30, 40, 50 years and putting money into the program. From the player perspective, we’ve been shitty for as long as they’ve been paying attention to Georgia Tech.

As was mentioned earlier, it seems like the players are brainwashed. Maybe it's the football version of the Stockholm Syndrome.
But to them I say, those results on the scoreboard week in and week out are why your coach get the axe. And he was ultimately responsible for why those ass kickings kept occurring.
If you truly believe in yourselves and each other, you will see there is better coaching to be had and hopefully soon, and instead of being the ass kickee, you will be the ass kicker.

Besides, hearing how Clown treated D Mo and his own complete lack of accountability, I wonder about the lessons he was allegedly imparting to the players. Someone needs to clue them in on just what a turd he is and how much better the program will be now that he has been flushed.
The players probably also know him on a personal level and know he's a good guy who cares about them and is having his life turned upside down. I'm sure they also know they are partly at fault for his failures, and feel like öööö about the whole thing. I'ts not fun to realize you suck.

Then they go online and see people talking about how if he takes the buyout we should drag Collins outside and physically beat him, how they're going to take a picture of Collins to the firing range and aim for his face, etc. The natural reaction to that isn't going to be, "Oh yeah, he deserves that because we didn't play well enough", it's going to be to defend him.

I don't care if it would be worse at other programs, the personal attacks we're making on Collins right now are ridiculous and frankly an embarrassment to a fanbase that likes to talk öööö about how other fanbases are full of assholes. Neither Collins nor the players are above criticism, and they've certainly earned plenty of it, but the way we're attacking our own is unacceptable.
Gold Standard Post.

But unfortunately, I don't give a shit. He's a jerk, a bullshitter, and a con artist. And thanks to us, he's generationally wealthy. So I don't feel sorry for hurting his feelings. I wish him shitty returns on the stock market. I hope he buys $12 million worth of penny stocks.
I suppose they do like him, since he is like the parent always handing out candy and goodies. In our case, no matter how much you screwed up and got blown out, he told you how great you are. The portal changes everything. If they can hire someone he can reload through the portal to some degree. If this was ten years ago Collins would have us in the graveyard for 6 or 7 years after he's gone to be an analyst for whoever will tolerate him walking around the coaching office pretending he is a tough guy.
The players probably also know him on a personal level and know he's a good guy who cares about them and is having his life turned upside down. I'm sure they also know they are partly at fault for his failures, and feel like öööö about the whole thing. I'ts not fun to realize you suck.

Then they go online and see people talking about how if he takes the buyout we should drag Collins outside and physically beat him, how they're going to take a picture of Collins to the firing range and aim for his face, etc. The natural reaction to that isn't going to be, "Oh yeah, he deserves that because we didn't play well enough", it's going to be to defend him.

I don't care if it would be worse at other programs, the personal attacks we're making on Collins right now are ridiculous and frankly an embarrassment to a fanbase that likes to talk öööö about how other fanbases are full of assholes. Neither Collins nor the players are above criticism, and they've certainly earned plenty of it, but the way we're attacking our own is unacceptable.

The players are pretty much off-limits to criticism here (at least directly). Collins is an adult who got paid 8 digits to wreak this havoc upon us. Frankly...esp. those with season tickets or who've donated time & money to the program...those people in particular have every right to heap criticism upon him. I've not seen anything about physically assaulting him nor target practice (agreed that those are childish) but the rest comes with the job.

The man will never have to work again and has enough money to keep his family super wealthy for a generation or 2 and literally trucked the GT football program. The fanbase is right to be angry.
I know it sucks for players since nobody likes losing their coach four games into the season. However, deep down inside, they *have* to know the execution on the field was well below expectations, with emphasis on execution, not wins. We simply could not execute the basics like punting, for example.
GT has a strange us vs them mentality amongst its football players. We need an AD that recognizes that and addresses it.
I think it existed a bit (athletes vs academics) but Gef has been all about "us vs them" with other students, alums, and fans definitely being "them." He trashed the former coach, trashed some of those players, trashed traditions, gave smirks instead of answers to good questions, etc. Absolutely no respect for the people in the stands.
Then they go online and see people talking about how if he takes the buyout we should drag Collins outside and physically beat him,
I didn’t know this was an option, is it still happening?