Kiffin won't be OC in title game

Saban has been a consummate professional in this drama: I haven't seen any negative public statements by Saban about Kiffin, Saban has said repeatedly "Lane wants to be a head coach again and I want to help him get there.", Saban was positive about the FAU position for Kiffin. The only thing I've seen publicly was the ass chewing on the sidelines, but that's part of the game.

Meanwhile, Kiffin has griped about the program in interviews, slept with Saban's daughter, missed meetings, missed the team bus, announced that he's the new Houston HC before getting the job, had the whole Joey Freshwater debacle.
Some of it. I'm not saying he's necessarily a great OC or anything -- but I find it hard to believe they're better off with Steve Sarkisian on a week's preparation in someone else's offense than with the guy they've gone 40-3 under, and 14-0 this season.
Herbstriet said it was the most baffling play calling he had ever seen under Saban, or something to that effect.
need pics of daughter to help form an opinion
First pic looks like a fat toad or his wife
Second Pic, none of those three are impressive and dont look anything like the motorboat bait in the previous post.
Third Pic, unimpressive

Some of it. I'm not saying he's necessarily a great OC or anything -- but I find it hard to believe they're better off with Steve Sarkisian on a week's preparation in someone else's offense than with the guy they've gone 40-3 under, and 14-0 this season.

You act like Sark hasnt already been there as an analyst ... did you even read the article? Seems like no, cuz it sounds like they are glad to be rid of his antics
Ed Cunningham, during the Outback Bowl, mad a sly point. By rule, Sarkisian wasn't allowed to have any instruction with players on or off the field.

If Bama had been following those rules, makes you wonder how Saban feels comfortable bringing him in during this week.

I was shocked he actually said it.
Saban setting up the blame for their upcoming loss to go to Joey Freshwater.
If Lane can convince 5 guys who are greyshirted or about to get dumped by the bama churn, he can easily win 10 games a year over the next 4 years at FIU (excluding the first year). Bama's cast off talent Would slaughter that conference.