Marcus Marshall??

It's worse to be ignored. If Johnson was tough on him its only because he was trying to get the best out of him and thought he wasn't reaching his potential. Good luck to him, someone is going to get a good RB.
I just wonder who... Hopefully not the dwags.
Is there a risk he goes to uGA to fill in the hole left by Cubb and Michele? Can CPJ grant his release contingent that he doesn't transfer to another ACC school or a rival?
Can CPJ grant his release contingent that he doesn't transfer to another ACC school or a rival?

I think so. It's a point of contention these days: kids wanting to transfer wherever they want and coaches not letting them. I know Saint Richt let JJ Green transfer here and he's played well at A-back. But, Marcus Marshall was a leading rusher for a team that runs on offense where they are going to run the ball 90% of the time. You don't just let your leading rusher transfer to a conference rival or an in-state rival, IMO.
I just don't see UGAg, but I am wrong about most stuff anyway. He has a sit out year and two to play, correct? He will be a beast by RS senior year, if so.
I think so. It's a point of contention these days: kids wanting to transfer wherever they want and coaches not letting them. I know Saint Richt let JJ Green transfer here and he's played well at A-back. But, Marcus Marshall was a leading rusher for a team that runs on offense where they are going to run the ball 90% of the time. You don't just let your leading rusher transfer to a conference rival or an in-state rival, IMO.
Especially if he can help your opponent game prep
Dedrick, Quaide, and Kirvonte will all be there with experience. Jerry Howard weighs 210 out of high school and could bust his redshirt if needed. Lands-Davis could move back from WR if needed, as we now have lots of young WRs to fill out that depth chart. Bruce could switch from LB in a crisis.

Take a deep breath. It's going to be OK.
Thank you, Marshall, for all that you have done for Tech. You have represented us well, and helped our team achieve what seemed to be unreachable earlier in the season.

I wish you luck in whatever you do (unless you become a gagger - then in that case - piss off).
You don't just let your leading rusher transfer to a conference rival or an in-state rival, IMO.
I consider that a dick move, followed by another dick move. If he wants to play somewhere else, good luck. Unless it's UGA.

There's a better than zero chance that if he transferred to UGA, Smart wouldn't even be the coach by the time he could play again.
BB is a strange position... it is both very important AND easily replaced. If Mills hadn't had off-the-field problems we'd all be posting wellbye.gif. But I think I'd rather lose MM at this point in time than Lynch or Searcy.
I consider that a dick move, followed by another dick move. If he wants to play somewhere else, good luck. Unless it's UGA.

There's a better than zero chance that if he transferred to UGA, Smart wouldn't even be the coach by the time he could play again.

This is where I am with anyone who transfers. Thanks, but now we can play with someone who wants to be here. I want 11 guys on the field who not only want to play, but to play for Tech. He would be a detriment to all of us, including himself, if he continued to harbor feelings of playing elsewhere while taking up a position and roster spot.

Let him go where he wants. We'll beat his team's ass if we meet again.
He won't go to UGA, because he doesn't want to get his shit pushed in by every 7 win team on the schedule in his last year of eligibility.
I consider that a dick move, followed by another dick move. If he wants to play somewhere else, good luck. Unless it's UGA.

There's a better than zero chance that if he transferred to UGA, Smart wouldn't even be the coach by the time he could play again.

I'm not advocating for either position. Personally, I think coaches should release players with minimal contingencies. I thought it was really decent of Richt to let JJ Green transfer to GT. However, strictly from a biased GT fan perspective (who's slightly butthurt at the moment) most kids that transfer aren't leading rushers for an FBS team, so I think that has to be taken into consideration by CPJ when he does release Marshall.
If given the choice between Mills and MM, I'd take Mills. But let's not pretend this doesn't suck. I wish MM well, he looks like a quality I formation tailback to me. I hope we don't have to face him.

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Especially if he can help your opponent game prep

WAIT... are you saying... he may hand Kirby THE BLUEPRINT?! :scared::scared::scared:

*Side - there may actually be some risk of this happening... he's got 2 years learning the ins and outs of our offense :chad: