Miami fans

My 2nd game as a GT fan. That 2001 season was d*ck punch after d*ck punch. What an intro to GT fandom!

You should've tried being a kid and a Tech fan in the 80s. In hindsight, it made 1990 so much sweeter, but, damn, with the exception of 1985, the 80s were torture.
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Nah. Any Tech fans that participate in bitching about playcalling or any other unwarranted criticism of our team should be dealt with mercilessly. Nothing worse than listening to some know-it-all engineer that hasnt played a competitive sport since middle school critique every one of our plays.
I can't decide if the know-it-all is worse, or the dumbass that zeroes in on one thing and seems to just sit there waiting for opportunities to bitch about it. This guy near me just yells "BLOCK" about once every 20 seconds, occasionally adding that any given bad play was "CAUSE YOU DIDN'T BLOCK." If that guy is one of you, then öööö you.

These posts should be quoted on the big screen during every game.