We were there. Our box was close to that goal line. I couldn't tell if the kick was good but when I saw the ball boys go crazy, I thought, holy öööö, he made it.
on DJ's pick, I was watching Quayshawn Nealy. And I saw him jogging toward the sideline. I thought, WTF is he doing? Then, the Tech sideline just exploded. I couldn't tell for a second that DJ had picked it off.
And then we went nuts. Surrounded by big money Dwag fans, who sat there glumly, who couldn't believe after all those calls went their way (JT at the goal line and Ray Drew blowing up our center to block two kicks, which was illegal) that they lost, we went apeshit. Goddamn it's a lot of fun to look across that sea of red and hear not a goddamn peep out of it.
Of the Tech wins over Georgia I've seen in person, I'll take 08 as No. 1 and 14 as No. 2. 16 wasn't bad, either. (I had a job to do in 98 on that day and I was out of state in 99).