Mills suspended again

Maybe fumbling was the rules violation? Ain't looking good for his future. He needs to straighten up.
I say we relax the rules for him. And get rid of this suspension nonsense. Oh yeah we're doing so good otherwise, we definitely can afford to suspend our best Bback right before the VPISU game.

Unless Paul knows he ain't gonna win the game anyway. In that case yeah rest him until the uga game. Whatever. Suspend the whole team while you're at it Paul.
I say we relax the rules for him. And get rid of this suspension nonsense. Oh yeah we're doing so good otherwise, we definitely can afford to suspend our best Bback right before the VPISU game.

Unless Paul knows he ain't gonna win the game anyway. In that case yeah rest him until the uga game. Whatever. Suspend the whole team while you're at it Paul.
Let mills coach D
Hope somebody slaps some sense into this young man before he blows his presumed future in the NFL.
So when does the 'Mills To Transfer' news break? CPJ's "Well, he's just a freshman" excuse doesn't wash this time. Is he a functional idiot? They don't instruct these guys? There's no excuse for this stuff.
Well the practice thing is plausible unless someone went up and said hey are you not coming to practice? Seems a bit fishy there without all the details.
I thought about hacking CPJ's email to see what's actually going on, but I assume that instead of emails, he whispers into an A-Back's ear and sends him to deliver the message.

CPJ: Clinton go tell him ----
<Clinton Lynch then drives to Hartsfeld, boards a plane for Raleigh Durham, eats lunch at Panera Bread, drives to Cutcliffe's Office>
Clinton Lynch: Paul Johnson says go öööö yourself.
I thought about hacking CPJ's email to see what's actually going on, but I assume that instead of emails, he whispers into an A-Back's ear and sends him to deliver the message.

CPJ: Clinton go tell him ----
<Clinton Lynch then drives to Hartsfeld, boards a plane for Raleigh Durham, eats lunch at Panera Bread, drives to Cutcliffe's Office>
Clinton Lynch: Paul Johnson says go öööö yourself.

