Mills suspended again

LOL. Holy crap. I gave you guys the answer to the test on page 1 of this thread.
First suspension (1 game) was missing practice on Labor Day.
This suspension is for toking up. And this is his 2nd time of being confirmed...which is why the 2 game suspension. Because the first time, he only got a warning.
I thought about hacking CPJ's email to see what's actually going on, but I assume that instead of emails, he whispers into an A-Back's ear and sends him to deliver the message.

CPJ: Clinton go tell him ----
<Clinton Lynch then drives to Hartsfeld, boards a plane for Raleigh Durham, eats lunch at Panera Bread, drives to Cutcliffe's Office>
Clinton Lynch: Paul Johnson says go öööö yourself.
This is upsetting and I feel threatened that my team may suck on Saturday. Can I get a therapy dog, safe space and a can of playdough?

Someone just needs to make GT football great again.

Hats of that would be nice.
Do we have JT on Saturday? Nobody said anything about this, or I just ignored it. Someone tell me.
Nevermind I answered my own question. He got upgraded to probable on Saturday.