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Damn Good Rat
Sep 21, 2005
Look for another commit this weekend sometime and a bit of bad news as well, I will know more on that hopefully tomorrow.
Look for another commit this weekend sometime and a bit of bad news as well, I will know more on that hopefully tomorrow.

Please let us know as soon as you know something, you're one of the premier trusted sources in here as far as I'm concerned.
Ok, I'll play:hsugh:

1) A previous commit will decommit and announce his intentions to be a priest or sign his soul to the devil and play for the mutts (FWIW....I don't view that as "bad news" just part of the process)

2) NCAA is going to open some sort of investigation about alleged violations of NCAA rules

3) We found that a coach lied on his resume and will now be terminated. Did Gailey really get that degree?

4) A player is frustrated with his playing time and/or the coaches and is leaving the program to transfer

Is it door number 1,2,3,4?
4 is the closest but not exactly right, sorry guys i just dont want to say too much till i know for sure everything about it
Dude, this is killing me...I have no idea what is going on. Somebody PM me or something...ahhhhhhh!
Dude, this is killing me...I have no idea what is going on. Somebody PM me or something...ahhhhhhh!

I wouln't mind a PM as well, I pormise not to say anything, if it's #4 the gravity of the situation will depend on who the player/coach is.
Any update yet demjackets? Is it a current player that is leaving, or is one of our new recruits changing his mind?
I hate that this news is casting a shadow over Sylvester making his commitment official.
Threet of all people? Certainly the last person I would have guessed...
Threet of all people? Certainly the last person I would have guessed...

I am right there with you. He was almost certainly our QB of the future. At least we have some other good ones in the pipe...still this is a major blow.
are we sure he is completely leaving tech, or is he just going home for a while?
I certainly went through this and I came from North Ga. I hope his parents come down for a few days to be with him.