Ms Tech, Very expensive thinking

People, can we all stop this? Dang, I'm all for free speech and, yes, I can just go to another board if I don't like it...I know all that. But what starts out as really good posts and threads to discuss topics of interest to all does seem to degenerate into name-calling and bickering like a bunch of 5-year olds.

I don't actually care who the coach is at Tech. Heck, they can hire Donald Duck as head coach for all care. As long as 2 things occur:
2. Realize that a workout routine is not complete unless it includes taking a bulldog out once or twice a day and kicking it in the nether regions!
originally posted by MsTech
This is the last time I will get into this - my support of this team is first - if they do well, that means this coach is doing his job. If they don't and I believe it can be better and you the coach made mistakes - I'm going to say it.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I really want to believe this (I don't agree with the "support the team first..." idea, but we can work around that.) However, what we have been hearing you saying is stuff like "CCG is running the program into the ground," "the poor state that our program is in" "CCG has brought us so far down from where GO'L had us," etc...etc...etc...

Let's see what happens, then call for his head or whatever. And please don't tell me "let's see what has already happened." As you know that debate can and would rage on for thread after thread. So let's look to now. Unless D. Braine has contracted out his HR responsibilities to you, there is absolutely no doubt that CCG is being given AT LEAST another year to build GT's program according to his philosophies.

Look for his mistakes, comment on them, commend him for his successes, play out the year, balance them out,and then choose whether to support him or not. It's really your only choice.
Once again I'll have to say that BOR et al your logic sucks or may I say the lack of logic. There was a very good post and you found that you had to slam it. I hated Clinton with as they say a purple passion. but HELL no I did not want my nation to fail because of him. I stated after the first game that B(S)L coached (against West Carolina). I'd have fired his fanny then and there but did I want Tech to fail because of him HELL no. So let get real and give MsTA a chance as well as the other CCG haters. I want Tech to excel in everthing, sports, academics. So get real and live your life and let the CCG haters live theirs. Everyone has a nose and opinions so get real here guys.
Spelling - how about I start a thread about you, how about I start a thread about everyone here who is on the other side of the fence. Have you NOTICED that I have responded to ill will about me but REFUSE to start junk about You, or anyone else here....

I suggest you preach to those who started this - it might serve a better purpose!

LLCool - opened this door - I suggest you lament your comments his way!
Originally posted by BarrelORum:
LL, me and you.... we could hang.

Unfortunately MSTA will never agree with you. She's boxed herself in on this issue to a point of no return. She will never admit her mistake now. Not from the limb she has climbed out on.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">There is no mistake - mistakes were made by your fella Chan and the only limb someone's hanging on his HIM! Don't expect me to admit to anything I saw in 2002 - if he does what he's suppose to do and not what I saw in 2002 - I'd have no problem giving kudos - but to renig on my posts as to what I saw - heck no! Never!

Maybe Chan's sense of urgency is because of us and if it works - more power to him!
[/qb][/QUOTE]This IS A FOOTBALL GAME - get real. What is this 'go around come around crap'?? That my personal life will suffer because of a damn football game and who the coach is - and you're a GT grad??? I question deeply your intelligence and your provocative statements.

Do you actually think I'm worried about someone rambling about junk like you spew? If I was worried about evil doers and what is being said I would have taken the high road.

THIS IS ABOUT FOOTBALL - NOT NUCLEAR WAR!!!!!!! My God - it's a game played on a field, that's all!

No dear, these are real people that you are downing. It will not hurt anyone if you are talking about things. Why can't you just give it an encouraging tone until December?
Originally posted by mustard:
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">This IS A FOOTBALL GAME - get real. What is this 'go around come around crap'?? That my personal life will suffer because of a damn football game and who the coach is - and you're a GT grad??? I question deeply your intelligence and your provocative statements.

Do you actually think I'm worried about someone rambling about junk like you spew? If I was worried about evil doers and what is being said I would have taken the high road.

THIS IS ABOUT FOOTBALL - NOT NUCLEAR WAR!!!!!!! My God - it's a game played on a field, that's all!

No dear, these are real people that you are downing. It will not hurt anyone if you are talking about things. Why can't you just give it an encouraging tone until December?

Encouragement comes with production and success - if it happens - I will encourage!

Don't be confused it really is very simple.
Qouted by Ms. T:

Encouragement comes with production and success - if it happens - I will encourage!

Don't be confused it really is very simple. End Quote.

We all know what you do for a living. Are you telling me that you put all new employees not hired by you on some type of written warning their first week on the job? Only after performing their duties beyond reproach do you take them off warning?

Take some friendly advice. Do NOT change careers to pursue the life of a motivational speaker focusing on morale and team building. HOLY COW!
Originally posted by spellingbee:
originally posted by nath </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif"> May I ask you this? If you do not support the President of the United States of America, does it mean that you want the country to fail?
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Not all, but some, and they are very vocal and illogical in their rantings against whoever the president is at the time.

Not to go into an off-topic vein, but there are many demos who are squirming as they watch the economy gain strength under a repub administration. I'm sure it works the other way to (repubs wanting demos to fail at the expense of our nation.) Also, our country would be considered as failing if the situation in Iraq is not stabilized as we intend. Believe it that there are many who would love to see just that.

Now back to GT football. I have mulled over in my head about the "support the team but not the coach" issue for many months now. Obviously a Tech fan will want Tech to succeed, thus they will want Coach Gailey to succeed. And if Coach Gailey succeeds, then a Tech fan would want to retain him as head coach.

Most are taking an attitude of "I'll make my decision after this year." Even some of the Anti-chan group says that, despite their fears, they are willing to let him have the year to see how it plays out and will gladly "eat crow" if Tech wins.

Then there are those very few whom I truly believe want him gone and would gladly "suffer" Tech's failure in order for that to happen. They have taken that road because A) they have true antipathy for Coach Gailey and B) they have backed themselves so far into the corner that they have to be right.
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Great post! It really does appear that some want the program to suffer just to be vindicated. That is not a true fan.

I can understand it if someone who absolutely knew that CG was bad for the program long term could and should advocate that position. But only God knows that. For the rest of us, it's just speculation and only time will tell. CG, God willing, may very well be the next Dodd, but he's got to be given a chance.

Yes, his last two games sucked, and if that is what is indicative of his first few games this season, I will be joining those who strongly advocate for his removal. I will advocate it for the good of the program, not because I have some personal disdain for the man.

And that's really what the problem is. Some of you sound like you hate the man instead of loving the program. It makes you post pessimistic responses to everything, including things that true Tech fans should embrace. For example, if Ball is as good as people are saying, we should all be going crazy with enthusiasm for the future. But some would just say the CG f'd up by not giving Bilbo a chance. Perhaps people just don't see how negative that is and how such a statement hijacks a good thread on Ball's future with endless comments about people's heritage.

It's a new year, even if you don't like the coach, give the players a chance. Hope for the program and criticize the coach when it becomes evident that he should be criticized.
Originally posted by LLCoolJacket:
Qouted by Ms. T:

Encouragement comes with production and success - if it happens - I will encourage!

Don't be confused it really is very simple. End Quote.

We all know what you do for a living. Are you telling me that you put all new employees not hired by you on some type of written warning their first week on the job? Only after performing their duties beyond reproach do you take them off warning?

Take some friendly advice. Do NOT change careers to pursue the life of a motivational speaker focusing on morale and team building. HOLY COW!
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I suggest you give your morale speech to Chan - not me! It's him who has the morale in this predicament. How about Dbo morale? Can you say Chan needs help!
Originally posted by LLCoolJacket:
Qouted by Ms. T:

Encouragement comes with production and success - if it happens - I will encourage!

Don't be confused it really is very simple. End Quote.

We all know what you do for a living. Are you telling me that you put all new employees not hired by you on some type of written warning their first week on the job? Only after performing their duties beyond reproach do you take them off warning?

Take some friendly advice. Do NOT change careers to pursue the life of a motivational speaker focusing on morale and team building. HOLY COW!
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Motivational speaker - I've done that too and have done very well with it, thanks for bringing it up. Your assumptions are just that, nothing more nothing less!

You want to focus on Chan - keep directing threads to me and you will have achieved that for which you really don't want - really very smart!
Ms. T, I was being totally serious. I really don't think digging thru the archives will help me understand your comment. I have copied it once again below.

Originally posted by LLCoolJacket:
Qoute by T.A.

You want to focus on Chan - keep directing threads to me and you will have achieved that for which you really don't want - really very smart! End Quote.

Question#67) Uh, what the hell does this mean?

Ms. T, do not bother. I forgot that you don't answer questions.

You know what - I've probably answered these questions more then having to and if I am not a GT fan what difference does what I think make? ALL FUTURE QUESTIONS WILL NOT BE ANSWERED, I have given them many times over - pull up the archives! End quote.

I know you have taken a few haymakers, and many of them are richly deserved. I think they would stop if you would back up your stance with some educated "analysis".

Now if you could, please answer the question. Thanks in avance!
Just a hint MsTA, reread your quote. I think I know what you mean, but your post is not stated correctly. Taken literally, word by word, it doesn't make any sense.
Originally posted by MsTechAnalysis:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Originally posted by nathogt:
May I ask you this? If you do not support the President of the United States of America, does it mean that you want the country to fail?

If you are Democract and hope that George Bush is defeated, does it mean that you want the economy and foreign policy to spiral out of control so that a Democratic candidate can win?

And, if you are a Republican, was supporting Bill Clinton tantamount to hoping that bad things happened to America to prevent his re-election?

I think you can feel that the person running an organization is incompetent or bad and in need of replacing and yet not wish ill upon the organization itself.

A partiot can call for a change in leadership and still love their country and a Tech fan can do the same. People who love something can be distressed by what they perceive the direction of the organization to be. It says nothing about their love of the organization, only their perception of its state of affairs.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">NOW, THIS IS THE BEST POST EVER ON THIS BOARD as support of an organization, entity but lack their of for a leader, coach, director! Excellent analogies and very profound!

</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Well nathogt, you are obviously in good company. However, YOU are missing the point about as bad as ole blind MSTA over here. Yes, I wanted Lewis gone as much as anyone else did, BUT the key here is this:
I wasn't calling for his head after the first year either. Maybe I wish I had.
But Ross took a decent team and went 2-9 his first year... Many people were calling for his head. Aren't you glad we didn't?
Same goes for Dodd too. He did lousy his first year out.

there's NO WAY of telling chan is a bad coach. So get off of it.
Here's my two-cents worth;

I am for GEORGIA TECH no matter who
our coach is!! Which means that I
am for our present coach.

I hope Coach proves to me that the
last two games last year were just a
fluke and will never happen again.

If Coach can right the poor coaching
that was done in the UGAGA and SVB, and
show me that our team is better prepared
to play games, I will be 100% behind him.

I guess I am saying the jury is still
out on Coach with me.

If the team shows no marked improvement
from last year, I will be a very disappointed
Georgia Tech fan.

Hey fellas, let me apologize for my post
regarding the no-show of Tech coaches at
the Macon TD Club.

I just felt like we needed someone from
the football program to make an appearance,
because of all the hard work that Butch Brooks
has done over the last several years in
building relations with the high schools in
the Middle Georgia area.

IMHO, this is fertile grounds for recruiting,
and I think we are missing the boat by not
having a football coach to speak at this
Originally posted by MsTechAnalysis:
Let's get this straight because of the hatred coming my way, you are all building assumptions into my dislike for Chan, and yes they are assumptions because no one here knows me personally but a choice few!![/QB]
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">A Choice Few? I'm glad I'm not one of those "Choice Few". I would rather that privilege never be bestowed upon me.
Originally posted by MsTechAnalysis:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Originally posted by BarrelORum:
LL, me and you.... we could hang.

Unfortunately MSTA will never agree with you. She's boxed herself in on this issue to a point of no return. She will never admit her mistake now. Not from the limb she has climbed out on.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">There is no mistake - mistakes were made by your fella Chan and the only limb someone's hanging on his HIM! Don't expect me to admit to anything I saw in 2002 - if he does what he's suppose to do and not what I saw in 2002 - I'd have no problem giving kudos - but to renig on my posts as to what I saw - heck no! Never!

Maybe Chan's sense of urgency is because of us and if it works - more power to him!
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">The bandwagon stopped last year. Get off of it. Win we start winning I'll let you know so you can get back on.
Originally posted by BarrelORum:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Originally posted by MsTechAnalysis:
Let's get this straight because of the hatred coming my way, you are all building assumptions into my dislike for Chan, and yes they are assumptions because no one here knows me personally but a choice few!!
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">A Choice Few? I'm glad I'm not one of those "Choice Few". I would rather that privilege never be bestowed upon me.[/QB]</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">MORE THEN DITTO!! That was a no brainer wasn't it! Maybe you need a few more posts like this to get the drift!
Originally posted by BarrelORum:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Originally posted by MsTechAnalysis:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Originally posted by BarrelORum:
LL, me and you.... we could hang.

Unfortunately MSTA will never agree with you. She's boxed herself in on this issue to a point of no return. She will never admit her mistake now. Not from the limb she has climbed out on.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">There is no mistake - mistakes were made by your fella Chan and the only limb someone's hanging on his HIM! Don't expect me to admit to anything I saw in 2002 - if he does what he's suppose to do and not what I saw in 2002 - I'd have no problem giving kudos - but to renig on my posts as to what I saw - heck no! Never!

Maybe Chan's sense of urgency is because of us and if it works - more power to him!
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">The bandwagon stopped last year. Get off of it. Win we start winning I'll let you know so you can get back on.
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">YOU DO MEAN CHAN'S BANDWAGON, RIGHT? I got off that one 5 minutes into the UGAG game. I really thought because of the rivalry we had a chance to be tough ... the shock still hasn't worn off!
Qoute by T.A.

You want to focus on Chan - keep directing threads to me and you will have achieved that for which you really don't want - really very smart! End Quote.

Question#67) Uh, what the hell does this mean?

Ms. T, do not bother. I forgot that you don't answer questions.