Mutt kicker mommy and daddy are pissed

Sprayberry was a National School of Excellence when I was kicking footballs there.

öööö, I'm getting old.
Poor Sprayberry, I went there for a year until Lassiter opened. It has always been a tweener school. Had a few good years of baseball under Cadenhead, but that is about it.

Exactly who is the big idiot here? This kid is coming out of pocket for a degree (Digital and Broadcast Journalism) with an average starting salary of 27.5k ( All just so he can kick footballs for the dogs!

I'd be shopping around for someone willing to pay for my education.

Ken Blankenship said he has “had to sell off chunks” of his retirement fund each semester in order to pay Rodrigo’s tuition and board. His daughter, Trina Blankenship, also sent an email describing her father’s “dire financial situation.”
Really, you did that to send your kid to UGAg? Jesus dude, Kennesaw State is every bit as good if you are spending your own money and the kid can live at home. The Sprayberry district is right there.

Of course, I would like him to stay at UGAg now that I know daddy runs a commentary on his kid's life. I can't wait to read about how his boy kicked a few field goals and tried to overcome inferior coaching and inferior play from his inferior team mates.
He went to Sprayberry. Doubtful he is all that smart. If his dad cared so much about him, he would have moved him over to Walton, Pope, or Lassiter
His dad moved him from the Walton district because they wouldn't play Rodrigo as freshmen...on a team that was in the state championship
His dad moved him from the Walton district because they wouldn't play Rodrigo as freshmen...on a team that was in the state championship
Walton typically has much better sports programs than Sprayberry anyway - especially the soccer program. Sprayberry has always been stuck in an area where kids on one side want to go to Marietta High School. Some end up at Wheeler. Some Lassiter, Pope, Walton. Not sure about if Kell draws them away. Sprayberry has always been the least desirable of all of those schools with Walton probably being the most desirable.
Empathy 1
Respect 1
Determination 3
Homework 1

Jan 05, 2017
Ken blankenship was a total dodo when i was in his class. he didn't put in any work towards developing his students. instead of working to develop one of my classmates blankenship took the easy way out and told the student to go to remedial english. My friend did not need remedial english. blankenship neglected his one job.
stellar fact about blakenship : he dated a former student of walton. it become public after she graduated. Lord only knows what they did before she graduated. guy is gross

Submitted by a Parent


This keeps getting better and better
Empathy 1
Respect 1
Determination 3
Homework 1

Jan 05, 2017
Ken blankenship was a total dodo when i was in his class. he didn't put in any work towards developing his students. instead of working to develop one of my classmates blankenship took the easy way out and told the student to go to remedial english. My friend did not need remedial english. blankenship neglected his one job.
stellar fact about blakenship : he dated a former student of walton. it become public after she graduated. Lord only knows what they did before she graduated. guy is gross

Submitted by a Parent


This keeps getting better and better

This is heading for total ruination.
By far the best thread of the year. It's like rubbernecking an accident. I can't take my eyes away.
Walton typically has much better sports programs than Sprayberry anyway - especially the soccer program. Sprayberry has always been stuck in an area where kids on one side want to go to Marietta High School. Some end up at Wheeler. Some Lassiter, Pope, Walton. Not sure about if Kell draws them away. Sprayberry has always been the least desirable of all of those schools with Walton probably being the most desirable.

Whoa whoa whoa.

Sprayberry baseball won a state championship while I was there.

I'll also have you know the soccer team made the playoffs (where we lost to Walton in the first round). But we scored first!!
Whoa whoa whoa.

Sprayberry baseball won a state championship while I was there.

I'll also have you know the soccer team made the playoffs (where we lost to Walton in the first round). But we scored first!!
I said they were OK for a bit in baseball. Lassiter is still a better baseball program last I looked. Truth is, Blankenship transferred to Sprayberry because it has the least successful sports teams in the area. Easy place for him to get his kid some PT. Probably doesn't sniff the squad at Walton.
I feel like this is a gift that will keep on giving. öööö Kirby smart, not about this issue, just in general. Yuge d bag. Not a good person.
Buck and Kincade are going off on the Blankenship family right now. Soooo entertaining.

Buck basically said that serviceable kickers are plentiful, and he's ready for another one. He'll go recruit one on his own if he has to.