No Lucky Charms in Ireland?

I lived in France for four years. I loved the local food and miss it dearly now. That being said, when I would return from extended trips to the US (eating lots of sugary food), it would take about 3 to 4 days for my system to get fully used to the French cuisine again. Their food is different in the way it is processed. The sugar and flour are visibly different (and recipes are not the same). Not saying one is better than the other, but I wouldn't want to be the one on the hook for half of the team (who have no experience to tell how they are going to react) having digestive issues.
Got food poisoning Sunday night in Galway - been sick since. Really sucks. That being said, I have loved the food here and would eat it all again. Probably just a freak food handling problem. Could have happened anywhere.
Yes, the black "pudding" is blood sausage. The lighter version is white pudding, which is made from oatmeal and pork fat with some meat.
I don't know of any teenager that wants to eat food they don't recognize
I've gotten food poisoning from local food more often in the U.S. than I have in Australia, Ireland, Iceland, England, France, etc. I don't tend to go crazy on the local stuff, but I don't go eat at McDonalds every meal, either. That said, the crap they call bacon here in Ireland is terrible. The football team was right to teach them about bacon.

I wonder if a good, authentic BBQ or Tex-Mex place here would actually do well and make the locals go "oh, THAT'S how it's supposed to be" or if it would just be too weird. We tried a reasonably authentic looking BBQ place here on a whim, and got a chopped beef sandwich with onion, pickles, lettuce, tomato, mayo, and a dollop of BBQ sauce on it. Just no.

I've gotten food poisoning from local food more often in the U.S. than I have in Australia, Ireland, Iceland, England, France, etc. I don't tend to go crazy on the local stuff, but I don't go eat at McDonalds every meal, either. That said, the crap they call bacon here in Ireland is terrible. The football team was right to teach them about bacon.

I wonder if a good, authentic BBQ or Tex-Mex place here would actually do well and make the locals go "oh, THAT'S how it's supposed to be" or if it would just be too weird. We tried a reasonably authentic looking BBQ place here on a whim, and got a chopped beef sandwich with onion, pickles, lettuce, tomato, mayo, and a dollop of BBQ sauce on it. Just no.


I've been to one such place in London called Texas Republic. It looked and felt like a college bar. And it was full of American expats and very few locals.
... what will they do without grape jelly at breakfast?!?!?
Ireland isnt some third world country where you can't drink the water. Worried about food poisoning from eating the local food is dumb. Many of these kids may never leave the country again. Let them experience Ireland.

Stop infantilizing them. "But they're just little college footballers. They need to eat their Wheaties or we may lose a game".
You get your hate speech off this campus