OFFICIAL™ Kool-Aid Glass Half Full Thread

"The BuzzCzar":
the word "doing" is completely unnecessary, moran
"How is your finger?" - whats ööööing wrong with that?
"How's your finger doing?" and "How's your finger?" are not the same, even though you might give the same answer to each.
How many opponents better than Clemson do you think we have left on the schedule?

I tried to word my post carefully to avoid that misreading. I said "continue to face some better opponents", meaning teams which, like Clemson, are better than BC, Tulane, and Vandy. Clemson was the high-water mark for our season, but Miami and Pitt will be better than our first 3 opponents.
I make it to all the home games. We are also talking about road tripping to the UNC game. I don't think Andrew makes it to anything but maybe homecoming since he's in NYC.

And opening alcohol is an occupational hazard for Czar.
You are going to NC??? I thought we were boycotting all things NC?

Do you two (Coit and Andrew) plan on making it to the game on the 1st?

Also, the day that I take grammar advice from an idiot (BuzzCzar) who can't figure out how to open a container of alcohol without injuring himself will be the day that I entertain anything these other two idiots have to say.

I was driving, dumbass
Logging on for the first time since the game. I watched at BWW with some GT interns at my office.

I can't say I'm surprised by all of the butt hurt. It is StingTalk after all.

But the three of us in isolation weren't upset by it. It looked like the #5 team in the country beating an unranked team. Offense was even starting to get effective in the fourth quarter. Defense kept us in there. And that was probably the best team we play all year.

I recall some soul crushing losses to Clemson the past few years where they hung 30-40+ points on us. Everybody should take a step back from the ledge.