Official Game Day Thread - GT vs. Duke

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It’s cold, this stadium is 4/5 empty, we can’t buy a bounce, and our defense and ST look lost. How can we be this bad against Duke? We came all the way up here to Durham, why not play a damn football game?

How do you even respond to something like this?

We've given up 48 points this season in the last 2:18 of a half.
How bad is it that a team as shitty as Duke can have 4th and 6 on their side of the field with 1 minute left in the half, and have the confidence that yea we can get that against GT and score before half.
Just need to win the game then who cares, on to UGA
How bad is it that a team as ööööty as Duke can have 4th and 6 on their side of the field with 1 minute left in the half, and have the confidence that yea we can get that against GT and score before half.
It was on our side
Defense is playing like crap so far today. I will throw rocks at Roof when he deserves them; but won't pile on when the problem is crap offense and special teams. Despite TQM's passing ability, the offense played well in the first half.

The defense is playing like they want to stay home for the holidays. I can imagine that if we lose today next week we will get drilled about 51-7.
If we lose to these pus postules this season is in the dust bin- Coach should tell them 5-6 = not accepting a bowl
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