Official Gameday Thread: GT vs. Fighting Drunks

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I am truly sympathetic to a Kansas Football fans now. They have watched something similar to this for the last few decades. I feel like they should have a support hot-line for fans of these type of teams or free drugs.
Kansas has Mark Mangino, where they won 12 games one year and sent guys to the NFL, Mangino had a decent run
The difference is we had an AD who had the backbone and intelligence to make a change. I am afraid our current AD has neither. We will see.
My wife: but isn’t ND a good football team?
Me: yeah but not so good they can beat us 24-0 in the first quarter.
My wife: oh are they gonna fire the coach?
Me: no it would cost us $10M to pay him not to coach.
My wife: wow he has a good agent.
Me: are those sammiches done yet?
At least for the first half I am at my nephews JV BB game -East Forsyth, new HS, down 75-25 in the 4th.
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