Official Gameday Thread: GT vs. Fighting Drunks

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My wife: but isn’t ND a good football team?
Me: yeah but not so good they can beat us 24-0 in the first quarter.
My wife: oh are they gonna fire the coach?
Me: no it would cost us $10M to pay him not to coach.
My wife: wow he has a good agent.
Me: are those sammiches done yet?
Let’s hire her as our AD
If this doesn’t flush out a few major donors, don’t know what will.
Maybe I’m wrong about one more year, but still think most likely path is someone takes the fall for the defense, then one more year, then kaboom it’s over and we get to try this again.
Our current AD gave this clown a 7 year contract. We don't have to wait and see if he has a brain, he already removed all doubt he does not.
Well Tstan in person talks a big game..he was surprised when I told him last season that the whole "season tickets discount" was bullshit. Every single stand said they didn't accept. So what the öööö? Or giving student gt masks but not season ticket holders to wear? I don't think Tstan or coach wanker have any idea to market to fans to come to the games.
Still waiting for Press Man Coverage Excusemaker to explain how none of this is Paterdude or CGC's fault.

Pretty sure the argument is that these players were predestined to do this and no coach on the planet can fix it.
Still waiting for Press Man Coverage Excusemaker to explain how none of this is Paterdude or CGC's fault.
Guys that are 4 thru 6 years out of HS , shouldn't have false start penalties.

If it were me I'd say to hell with it and lose with younger guys, the sad thing is that Key has developed our younger players so poorly, they would look even worse on our OLine
Who is Clown talking to and what is he saying?
I hope it's his agent and they're talking about a negotiated buyout.
“Yates is a big athlete that makes plays with his legs”

She's cute . . . whoever she is. I prefer watching her and that animated GIF to this game. So , , , thanks!
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