Official GT Poll for the Fight Song

Why the öööö is this even open for debate? Having an official poll just legitimizes those morons.
People that don't believe the same things that I do are morons!

People that want to push through a pointless change to an innocuous song based on a misunderstanding and misinterpretation of the lyrics ARE morons.

People that want to push through a pointless change to an innocuous song based on a misunderstanding and misinterpretation of the lyrics ARE morons.


Innocuous to you.

You're also a middle aged white dude. So it's easy to say everything is innocuous.
Innocuous to you.

You're also a middle aged white dude. So it's easy to say everything is innocuous.

Quit being so racist, sexist, and cis-phobic. There is no place for cultural appropriation at Tech.
Innocuous to you.

You're also a middle aged white dude. So it's easy to say everything is innocuous.

OH hohohoho you are DEAD for this comment. YOU ARE SO DEAD! I will punch you so many times!
Diseqc is trolling y'all hard and you're falling for it one by one.
Oh look. Three more middle aged white dudes rush to defend their compatriot

It's so tough being a white guy nowadays

There you go, trying to remove our individual agency based on racist and ageist social framing.

Your speech is literally silencing us. There is no place at Tech for that kind of racial bullying.
Oh look. Three more middle aged white dudes rush to defend their compatriot

It's so tough being a white guy nowadays

I am literally shaking with fury right now.
"Like all the jolly good fellows,
I won't tolerate trolling here.
I'm a Ramblin' Wreck from Georgia Tech,
and internet anonymity fosters unhealthy interaction that can only be described as bullying."
One change I am proposing is changing "helluva engineer" to "heckuva engineer" or "shucksuva engineer". I don't want my kids to grow up to be potty mouths. If no change is made, we will be watching from home.

I can't even buy Helluva Good Dip to go with my Lays for similar reasons. It's ridiculous that our country is so gosh darned backwards when it comes to language.