Official GT Poll for the Fight Song

Innocuous to you.

You're also a middle aged white dude. So it's easy to say everything is innocuous.

Trolling notwithstanding, changing "cheer" to "join" makes no sense in the context of the song. Both the sons and daughters in the verse are cheering, not participating. The proposed change is fixing a problem that doesn't actually exist in the literal text of the song.

I appreciated a comment from a GT coed on the anti- petition that talked about a "feminist" method for evaluating stuff like this by simply swapping the gender of the nouns and pronouns and seeing if the meaning changes. In this instance, the meaning doesn't change in any appreciable way if you reverse the roles of the daughter and the son.

In other words, if you support this change, your opinion is bad and you should feel bad.

My ex-wife said i'm a sexist pig for voting to maintain the song. Thus I have received the final acknowledgement that I'm on the righteous path.
My ex-wife said i'm a sexist pig for voting to maintain the song. Thus I have received the final acknowledgement that I'm on the righteous path.

To much political correctness is going on. Sometimes you just have to accept history and tradition for what it is and leave things alone. There are far more important things to worry about than changing one word in the fight song; like how we are gonna win the next game or get so drunk we don't care!
I'm more disappointed in the terrible poll setup than I am in the actual proposed change. This is a bush league web poll. No validation, no multi-vote countermeasures. I expect this from UGA, not Tech.
I'm more disappointed in the terrible poll setup than I am in the actual proposed change. This is a bush league web poll. No validation, no multi-vote countermeasures. I expect this from UGA, not Tech.

Maybe there are anti-vote countermeasures, they're just not telling you about them.
Maybe there are anti-vote countermeasures, they're just not telling you about them.

They still can't verify whether you're a student or alumni or neither, which makes the question unnecessary.
One change I am proposing is changing "helluva engineer" to "heckuva engineer" or "shucksuva engineer". I don't want my kids to grow up to be potty mouths. If no change is made, we will be watching from home.

I can't even buy Helluva Good Dip to go with my Lays for similar reasons. It's ridiculous that our country is so gosh darned backwards when it comes to language.

This. If you don't believe in gosh, you're going to go to heck.

I'm not in touch with this whole 2015 thing at all. The Cubs are in the playoffs and Rules is telling me there are folks with dark meat out there somewhere. Are you guys making these posts from jet packs?
I'm not in touch with this whole 2015 thing at all. The Cubs are in the playoffs and Rules is telling me there are folks with dark meat out there somewhere. Are you guys making these posts from jet packs?

Dammit. Every time I have to reply to this öööö means I have to stop my hover board.

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