Official GT v UCheat Game Thread

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Do we need a defensive coordinator? Can't we just save the money and let the players go out and call their own plays? It's not like it would make a difference.
Almost 250 yards. 17 points. Over 4 pts/drive.

In a ööööing quarter of play!

öööö anyone who defends that greasy hair öööö!
I've been hearing that recruiting has picked up considerably. When are we going to see the results of that
It would be funny if CPJ pulled a Kiffen on the flight home.
Roof-"WTF Delta, where's my seat?"
Ticket Agent-"Sir, this is a team flight."
Roof-"I have a ticket, I'm a ööööing coach."
CPJ-"Yeah, about that."
The defense is definitely what's losing the games. Just no wall there. Pick us apart. You're welcome to our defensive backfield as long as we can burn clock or some such shit. Horrible excuse for a defense.
When was the last time we had a LB that was good? Seriously. It has been a long time
I wish UNC would throw more. They are only getting 8.1 yards per attempt.
The defense is definitely what's losing the games. Just no wall there. Pick us apart. You're welcome to our defensive backfield as long as we can burn clock or some such öööö. Horrible excuse for a defense.

We're getting Vandy'd right now
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